Monthly Archives: March 2012

Raila and ODM Going Back To The Roots

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), is a movement.

In political parlance, a movement is large informal grouping of individuals or organizations which focus on specific or social issues with the primary objective of bringing about social and political change.

Movements often morph into political parties as was the case with ODM.

Prior to ODM coming into being, the only other time we had anything akin to a movement was pre-independence days but gaining independence was more a product of a revolution than a movement.

A revolution is different from a movement only in scale and tactics, and especially the absence or presence of use of force or violence which is common in a revolution but not in a movement.

In between these two periods of time, namely, between independence and formation of ODM, we had the agitating for reforms in the 90s rightly classified as the Second Revolution by those who led it like Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Whether a revolution or movement, there is a common denominator that weaves through both and regardless of time and that is people’s passion and excited anticipation which must be present for either to succeed.

The oddity in Kenyan politics is even though we had a sounding rejection of the Moi Project in 2002 and a routing of him and his regime with nearly to a man and woman everyone saying enough is enough of Moi, it cannot be said that the routing of Moi was a revolution or the product of a movement.

But clearly there was passion and idealism present whatever it was.

No soon had Kibaki settled as president in 2002, however, the passion and excitement disappeared and dissolution stepped in, especially due to the foot dragging initially and later efforts to force down our throats a diluted constitution that we were better off without.

Raila read the country’s mood right and led in efforts to defeat the efforts to give us the diluted constitution, which in turn led to his ejection from government and on to history as we are witnessing it now.

If Kenyans were despaired and became disillusioned with Kibaki after his election in 2002, Raila and ODM rejuvenated and reactivated their excitement and passions in 2007 when ODM swept the country in victories, bringing down many a political giants such as Kibaki, Nyachae and the rest of the then incumbents, powerful or otherwise they may have been.

The excitement and passions would be short-lived, however.

Following the bungled elections of 2007 and PEV, the country’s hopes and aspirations as represented by ODM’s promise and vision was crushed and she quickly returned to a state of depression and psychological slumber in which she still finds herself.

The passage and finally promulgation of a new constitution brought about by efforts of Raila and to some appreciable extent, Kibaki, once again rejuvenated the country but that rejuvenation and excitement was short-lived as well.

The continued wrangles between the coalition partners became more apparent and defined but the ICC process now sits in the middle of the room as the ugly giant it is to some, but a Godsent to others.

Given this pattern, it is obvious the country is due another rejuvenation and creation of an atmosphere of anticipated excitement.

Rejuvenation and excitement can be for good or for evil.

We are talking about rejuvenation and excitement for good, not for evil as clearly the latter is the case in the so-called “prayer rallies” which are nothing but cesspools of divisive and hate filled tribal speeches.

Rather, what Kenyans need is a rejuvenation and excitement inspired by a desire to once again and hopefully finally collectively move forward as a nation united in our basic common ideals, hopes and aspirations which at the end of the day are the same for all of us, yet many refuse to see or accept preferring instead to cling or blindly follow those we have nothing in common other than what invidiously divides us all and that is tribalism.

This is an ideal opportunity for Raila and ODM to once again step in and help bring about the rejuvenation and excitement along this line of thought.

Granted, it would not be as easy as in the past, given the intervening circumstances we all know but, it is doable.

It is doable because many of the promises made in 2007 by Raila and the party that so rejuvenated and excited the masses have not been fulfilled but not by either’s fault; to some extent, yes, but largely due to circumstances beyond its control.

Again, it’s a difficult case to make, especially more so given the fact it must be made in an environment full of vicious lies and distortions intended to inflict maximum damage to Raila and ODM but with a bit of ingenuity and a dose of goodwill among the reasonable, it is doable.

It is a much better case to make than one why we have an ugly elephant sitting in the middle of the room and about to wreak havoc.

I mentioned above passion and anticipated excitement being a common denominator in all of this phases of evolution we have gone through as a country.

The other common denominator is the name Odinga.

Jaramogi was there at the beginning, his son has been there at each succeeding crossroad we have had to decide which direction to go as a country and now faces the last one of his political life.

Which direction will he lead to this time?

It all depends on the other common denominator that if history teaches us anything, it is that he is quite capable of vurugaring the country to the same rejuvenation and anticipated excitement.

This time it shall and ought to be long-lasting, if not everlasting.

Let him just do it and Yes, he can.

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Posted by on March 29, 2012 in Politics


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Is IEBC Already Compromised?

In IEBC Must Remain Neutral and Why Kibaki Must Reverse Course on Election Date penned just a couple of days ago, I noted the following:

Every Kenyan that cares about our beloved country is of the view or at least believes we saw the worst of the worst in Kivuitu and his now defunct Electoral Commission when it comes to how we elect our leaders, especially the president.

When the new IEBC was constituted and its commissioners sworn, every expectation has been this new body brings with it not only a sense of hope in finally having an election body that oversees elections that are as fair, open and transparent as can be, but one also that separates itself from politics and remains the neutral referee it must be.

By electing Isaack Hassan, a Kenyan of Somali descent to head the body, the decision makers were obviously also conscious of the fact tribalism has been rearing its ugly head in many, if not all of our institutions so someone from Hassan’s community is generally speaking seen to be less vulnerable to tribalistic conduct in carrying out the duties of this important office.

Both of these considerations, namely, the neutrality of the IEBC and absence of tribalistic or otherwise primitive conduct of the affairs of the IEBC are at stake and going by what just happened this week regarding IEBC’s announcement of the election date, a lot is left to be desired.

Our brothers and sisters from the Kenyan Somali community are also on test whether, indeed, they are or can be the neutral arbiters free of tribalism everyone is giving them the benefit of doubt to be or will they beg to differ.

[b]While no one can at this time say the IEBC is compromised or is headed in the direction the old we so much wish to forget took us with Kivuitu, there are tell tales if the body does not re-evaluate and reverse course, it may start drifting in that direction before forced to correct course.[/b]

I went on to discuss one such tell tale being IEBC’s rush to announce the election date even as the case challenging the Constitutional Court’s decision is making its way on appeals to the Supreme Court.

I have now learned from an impeccable source that IEBC had long before announcing the date ordered and had ballots printed for the mock election and stored at a warehouse belonging to someone very well connected and allied with PNU/G7 who may or may not have had a hand in the selection of the company that had the contract to print the ballots.


If this is true as I have no doubt it is; what does it say about our newly minted IEBC?

Even assuming for the sake of argument that the IEBC had the ballots printed in anticipation of the election date being confirmed sooner than later, did it have to get a known PNU/G7 partisan involved in any aspect of the exercise, even as a matter of hands off business transaction such as providing storage for the ballots?

Wouldn’t avoiding the even appearance of impropriety not required that the IEBC stick with neutrality in every respect and if that meant hauling and storing all the ballots at its offices so be it?

If IEBC is, indeed, authorized this transaction, does it not tell us that certain people have not learned any lessons from 2007 and are, in fact, approaching the next elections with the same mentality and that is, we shall get our way mpende msipende?

I think its time Mr. Hassan answered these and many other questions and someone in Parliament better wake up and start demanding answers before its too late.

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Posted by on March 28, 2012 in Politics


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The Sacking of Balala Is A Non-Issue and Those Trying To Make It One Are Simply Off

Retired veteran journalist Mohamed Warsama shared the following SMS he says he sent to Hons. Anyang Nyong’o, Hassan Joho, Kalembe and others expressing his apparent displeasure with the removal of Balala from the cabinet and not appointing someone else from Mombasa to replace him:

“This is no longer a partisan issue. It is an issue affecting the whole Mombasa Community. We must stand as One People for our rights, not beg for them. If all other big towns have Ministers in the Cabinet, it goes without saying Mombasa also must have its share of Cabinet jobs. The era of standing with a cap in hand and begging for crumbs from the table is gone for good. Raila’s action will strengthen MRC’s  hand  in its campaign for Pwani Sio Kenya!”

In response to Mohamed, I said as follows:

We need to move Kenya from where appointments to the Cabinet and other key positions are made on account of connections with the appointing authority or on account of tribe or community as is the case now to where appointments are made on account of merit, period.

The constitution provides for regional, not town or city balance.

By your formula, each “big town” must be represented in the cabinet. What about small towns? Are the citizens who live in those towns not Kenyans whose interests should also be represented in the cabinet?

This is a slippery slope argument you really should abandon.

I expect you and all of us to call for appointments based on merit and fitting the requirements under Chapter Six of the constitution for if you start going the road of seeking appointments based on any other criteria, you will be taking our country back to where we have been and should never return to.

Also, I know its hard for some but try and separate church from politics. I like what the former Chief Kadhi Sheikh Hammad Muhammad Kassim said some time ago to Muslims and that is, “choose leaders who would champion the interests of the community…Let us vote in leaders who have our interests at heart.”

This is obviously counsel that applies to all Kenyans, not just Muslims.

Let us chose leader who would champion our collective interests, not their own interests or the interests of a few.

That is the criteria and I hope you and all others can join in pushing it as opposed to others which promote nothing but division and/or hatred.

As for the sacking of Balala, it was long overdue.

No party leader can tolerate a person who constantly badmouths him or her and shows no loyalty even to the party itself for as long as Raila did.

Balala is now whining about the sacking which he must be a moron of the decade if he didn’t see it coming yet he is moronically invoking his religion and other nonsense to try and paint Raila in bad light and try to gain sympathy.

Sometimes one really wonders how dumb some of these politicians can be or do they think Kenyans are so dumb as not to see their shameless idiocy?

The following responses in the Standard Online where Balala’s shameless whining is reported say it all:

On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:48 PM , Elizabeth Langat, Kenya wrote:
By his own words & actions he quit ODM long ago, that makes him the one betrayed Raila & ODM. Parties are like families, they have heads. When one starts disrespecting the head (& family) while benefiting from it, how long should he be tolerated? If he had any integrity/principles as claimed he would have left long ago without casting aspersions. His are mere infantile tantrums 
2. On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:43 PM , Wamiti Jemedari., United States wrote:
So Mr. Balala you needed the post that much that you are now crying and whining after all the show-off and chest thumping? Whoever said that you know the importance of something when you lose was right. 
3. On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:36 PM , Hassani, Kenya wrote:
Hon.Balala please do not drag Muslims into your predicament. We are tired of selfish leaders like you misusing Islam for your own financial benefits. You did not involve us when signing so do not involve us now that you are jobless. 
4. On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:34 PM , Peter Otieno, Kenya wrote:
I thought the pact with moslems was valid as long as Balala was in ODM. Raila has no obligations to non-ODM MPs that Balala was before being sacked. It’s Balala who sacked himself by leaving ODM, and making noise about it. if anything is he the only moslem?, and what proportion are moslem voters of Arab origin at the coast? 
5. On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:31 PM , Mag Piny, Uganda wrote:
Just wait for next elections mweshimiwa. No need for bickering. 
6. On Wednesday March 28, 2012, 12:27 PM , Sylvan, Kenya wrote:
“…………prompting the leaders of his faith to prevail upon him to sacrifice his presidential ambition in 2007 and support the PM”. Deep down you know your presidential ambition is not a threat to anyone.




Posted by on March 28, 2012 in Politics


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President Mwai Kibaki Once Again Flips Kenyans The Middle Finger

By appointing Eugine Wamalwa, the errand boy among the so-called G7 as Minister for Constitutional, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, President Mwai Kibaki has once again flipped Kenyans the middle finger.

In essence, Kibaki is telling Kenyans I may not have you pending over with your hands on your toes as I did in 2007 but I am going to screw you the next best way I know how and that is by making these appointment that makes no sense to most of you and I know you know doing so is clearly not in the interest of the country but I do so with delight because I know there is nothing you can do about it.

He may be right; in fact, he is right.

There is nothing even as a beep from anyone about this strange and in your face appointment other than from a few astonished netters expressing their disgust on these fora including yours truly.

It is reported Prime Minister Raila Odinga was consulted on the reshuffle but there is nothing even he could say or do to stop Kibaki from doing what he has done with this appointment, given the portfolio falls on the 3/4 side of his loaf.

Here is some news for the president, though:

If by appointing Wamalwa his intention is to bolster G7 and vicariously implement their agenda and schemes through the ministry of Justuce, Kibaki may be in for a rude shock in that no one would be more watched and every move scrutinized and brought to fore than Wamalwa and, more importantly, no single person or group of persons are ever again going to flagrantly thwart the will of the people ever again if the people have anything to say about it and they do.

As for demoting Mutula Kilonzo, this is more so the president flipping Musyoka the middle finger than anything else and I am unaware of anyone who would feel sorry for Musyoka about that, even though Kilonzo has suddenly found himself the hapless one in this whole saga whichever way one looks at it.

Musyoka’s stock has been barreling south from the south it has been teetering since his disgraceful day he betrayed our nation with his selfish and reckless rush to legitimize Kibaki’s stolen presidency anymore drop will find him totally useless and irrelevant.

The irony of it is it may be its only Raila who can now save Musyoka from total anihilation from the political scene.


Posted by on March 26, 2012 in Politics


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The Grand Coalition Finale; How The Unhappy Marriage Between Kibaki and Raila Should End

In a news story appearing in the Standard yesterday, the paper discusses in detail what it describes as tough times ahead in the coalition government.

The paper calls the coalition government an “unhappy marriage” and few will disagree with this description.

Like in real unhappy marriages, the objective is either to find solutions to issues causing the unhappiness or ways to end the relationship in an amicable manner such that the partners and their offspring remain friends and still caring about each other after the relationship ends.

That’s a tall order in real marriage break-ups as the parties are more likely to end up hating each other and becoming enemies than friends after the relationship ends.

In politics, and especially in this unhappy marriage between Kibaki and Raila, the question is not finding solutions to issues causing the unhappiness for the purpose of keeping the marriage intact.

Rather, the question is how does the partnership between Kibaki and Raila amicably end such that the two remain at least cordial to one another afterwards but more importantly, how do these two end the coalition relationship such that the country is not harmed in anyway following the end or break-up?

Purely from an objective point of view, there are several ways this can be done and to the satisfaction of everyone.

First, let the two principals and us all start from a point of optimism.

Mathira MP, Hon. Ephraim Maina, is quoted in the Standard story as saying he has great respect for the two leaders and is optimistic the two can successfully tackle any issue facing the coalition as they have in the past.

Coming from a person who also serves as the Chairman of the Central Kenya MPs caucus, this is a profound statement if anything because it confirms that contrary to many people’s presumption that Kikuyus are an inflexible lot who always only want what is in their selfish or tribal interest, there are also many leaders among them who are fair and objective.

If our country is to finally break from the past tribal based politics to a future where politics must be governed by what is right for the country, we need many, many more of the likes of Hon. Maina not just from Central—even though that is key, but many others from the rest of the country as well.

Second, it is a very well-known fact that the power of incumbency often tilts the scales in favor of the incumbent.

Although this is the second time in our country’s history we are holding elections without an incumbent seeking reelection, it is the first time we shall have them under the new political dispensation.

Common sense will dictate that someone stands to gain from some aspect of the power of incumbency and the same common sense points to whoever Kibaki prefers as his successor to be the person.

It would therefore surprise no one that the remaining term of Kibaki’s presidency and what he does shall be primarily focused in attempting to tilt the scales in favor of the person Kibaki prefers or otherwise against those he does not prefer or care to see succeed him.

Despite the natural temptation to do this, however, Kibaki has an obligation to remain neutral as president throughout the election period and I emphasize as president because it’s obvious he cannot remain so in his individual capacity.

The difference is, Kibaki cannot use or allow his office to be used and abused to influence the outcome of the elections or for the benefit of his individually preferred candidate, which there are already signs that is happening.

If he does so, he will not only be opening himself to open rebellion and rejection, he would surely sully the legacy he has done such a good job rehabilitating since 2007.

As his coalition partner and Prime Minister, Raila must on the other hand make sure Kibaki does not use or allow his office to be abused to influence the outcome of the elections or for the benefit of those Kibaki prefers to see succeed him.

This must be the case notwithstanding the fact Raila himself is a presidential candidate.

For those who think Raila cannot do both, you are mistaken because any good leader can do just that as the measure is doing what is good and in the interest of the whole country, not in self-interest.

Third, in light of the foregoing, the two leaders must agree and work only on items that are currently crucial and essential in moving the country forward as whole and defer the rest for the next president and government to tackle.

The Standard news story identified four areas believed to be most contentious as the coalition winds down and these are the date of the next election, the Devolution Bill, the composition of the Police Service Commission, and the Government’s position on the International Criminal Court process.

Let’s start with the easiest one and that is the government’s position on the ICC.

This should be simple and straight foward: COOPERATE!

What is so complicated about that and why should cooperating with the ICC be a contentious issue unless individuals in the government, not the government itself, don’t want the process to go forward or justice done for PEV?

Is there anyone really who can’t see what’s going on here with this and how that is not in the interest of our country but an effort to appease or protect the interest of a few individuals at the expense of PEV victims and the rest of the country?

When is it going to down on some people including even the mighty that the country is bigger than any one individual or combination of them regardless of how mighty and powerful they think they are?

As for the election date, the vast majority of Kenyans and one would say nearly all Kenyans want an election in December of this year.

The Constitutional Court gave Kibaki and Raila the option to agree on a date to dissolve the coalition which would trigger elections this year failure of which elections must be held in March unless the court is reversed on appeal.

Raila has indicated his willingness and readiness to agree to dissolve the coalition government in October so that elections can be held in December as everyone wishes.

The only person standing in the way of having elections in December is therefore Kibaki who should do the right thing and agree with Raila to dissolve the government in October so that we can have elections in December of this year, which is the people’s wish Kibaki must honor.

The election date is therefore a non-issue unless Kibaki wants to make it one for reasons others can only interpret to be an attempt to extend his term for nefarious reasons known only to him and his clique.

Regarding the Devolution Bill, if it were possible for Kibaki to put politics and ukabila aside and think only about the future of Kenya, he actually has an opportunity to shape the future of our country by his assent to this bill or, should he desire to have changes that conform to the same principle, namely, thinking the future of a united country first, I don’t see why he and Raila cannot agree on those changes to be made so that we can have a bill he can assent to passed.

Indeed, I agree with the president and those who argue that we cannot have a weakened presidency such that there is no appreciable difference between the president and governors and to the extent certain powers must be retained in the presidency and only delegated to the governors at the president’s discretion, that is something that makes sense and so much the better for the country.

As for appointing members of the Police Service Commission, this is a no brainer.

We already have precedent how this should be done under the new Kenya and that is the same way we selected our Chief Justice and other members of the Supreme Court, and to a lesser extent how we selected the AG and DPP.

Let’s utilize the same approach and everyone will be happy and satisfied as we were with those prior selections.

Anything less is an affront to the people of Kenya and flagrant abuse of the constitution we must nourish and help in its firm grounding.

Again, all other matters that don’t directly go to holding open and transparent elections this year or as the case may be, or not related to the immediate welfare of the country aught to be deferred for the next government to deal with.

The onus is on Kibaki to make sure we have an amicable end to the Grand Coalition, Raila is strategically there to make sure this happens.

In other words, the leadership and skills of these two men in whipping their minions and followers into doing what is right for the country is called upon at a moment of great need for the country and this is it–an amicable ending of the Grand Coalition and ensuring a smooth, peaceful transition to the new government of the Republic of Kenya following an open and transparent elections we must have in 2012 or March next year as the case may be.


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Posted by on March 25, 2012 in Politics


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Should Raila and ODM Work With Kalonzo Musyoka?

I have often said Kalonzo sealed the fate of his political life in Kenya the fateful day he accepted to essentially legitimize the illegally acquired presidency of Mwai Kibaki back in 2007.

Try as he has over the years following the illegitimate swearing as Vice President to regain his previous political shine, everyone agrees he has not been able to shake the traitor label and hardly anyone can trust him, even Kibaki who need not look behind his shoulder for the man is constantly at his side in shameless effort to show the public he is the man when, in fact, he is not.

In A Conversation With Kalonzo Musyoka penned about a year ago, the following exchange takes place:

Reporter:Would you mind to share what your strategy is about succeeding Kibaki?

Musyoka: Sure but only just a little bit. You see, the only three people I see as obstacles to ascending to the presidency are Raila, Ruto and Uhuru. Starting with Raila, I think all I need to do is to consult my Spoiler Book from 07 elections. There were chapters in there I did not use which I think could make my efforts even more successful except this time I will be the sole beneficiary. For example, I intend to campaign in all parts of East and Central provinces in making sure I remind the Kikuyus, Merus and Kambas that Raila cannot be trusted. I will also engineer a campaign to remind Kenyans from other parts of the country that if Raila is elected, their homes and businesses will be taken over by Luos…

Reporter: But Mr. Musyoka, you know none of that is true so why would you be spreading such malicious lies?

Musyoka: Because I don’t think telling the truth will help me with Raila. He is so clean I can’t find anything negative I can exploit in his life to make the case against him so I must make up stuff. I know there are some Luos who say Raila has not done anything for them but I am afraid I am not credible to say anything about not doing anything for anyone. Besides, this kind of thing is said about anyone in leadership so I don’t think it is a good strategy to use against Raila.

Reporter: Okay, I take it your strategy against Raila is to spread lies and smear his name; what about Uhuru and Ruto:

Musyoka: Now; that’s a tough one but I think I have a winning two-prong strategy against either or both of them: First, I would work very hard to make sure I am in a coalition with them. I will negotiate a deal to have me as the presidential candidate on condition I serve one term; Uhuru will be my Vice-President and Ruto will remain in Parliament. In the next circle, I will step down in favor of Uhuru and Ruto will be his Vice-President. I just need to be president for one time so I can say I was president. I like the prestige and power that comes from being president but I don’t see how I get elected legitimately without making this kind of deal.

Reporter: What is your other strategy:

Musyoka: This one is tricky. You see, the best scenario is for me to emerge as presidential candidate with the support of Ruto and Uhuru’s supporters but this strategy calls for me to have all of them to myself. The scenario I described above is the more direct and straightforward but it is designed to maximize tribalism for the three of us. The other strategy is to use tribalism but for my sole benefit. The way it would work is for me to support as I have the Ocampo Six in efforts to defer their cases but to quietly pray as I have that Uhuru and Ruto are both nailed by Ocampo. This way, I can go around the country telling their supporters this is Raila’s fault and that therefore they should elect me to secure their freedom.

Reporter: Do you believe God will answer your prayer given this conniving purpose for it?

Musyoka: Oh yes! Do you not see me in church every Sunday? I believe in the power of prayer. I am a Christian and staunch believer.

Reporter: Mr. Musyoka, but the U.S. Ambassador said in the same WikiLeaks that you are a Christian for convenience only so how is one to take your religious affiliation seriously?

Musyoka: You see, this is your problem not mine. I know pretending to be a Christian has real advantages. I can give you many examples of televangelists who have become filthy rich because their followers believe they are men and women of God and pour money to them when they are in, fact, common thieves. So, I am not concerned about what the US ambassador said about my Christianity.

Reporter: Is there anything else you would like to say Mr. Musyoka:

Musyoka: Well, there is but that will really blow you away I am not sure I want to say it.

Reporter: What is it? Go ahead and say it; will be happy to hear it.

Musyoka: Well, the Vice-President of Kenya is the best job I can have; there is nothing I do other than occasionally fighting to get photo opportunities at various functions and ceremonies. For the most part, I am sitting in my office doodling on my large desk with no evidence of work being done there or otherwise tending to my personal business. I love the job so much I may just strike a deal with Uhuru to support him in exchange for my staying put as Vice-President.

Reporter: Wow, you are really serious for you its not about the country but about you!

Musyoka: Indeed, indeed.

Even though this was a parody, the essence of what I said in it is true to the core.

With this backdrop in mind, I was therefore bemused when a few months ago I heard and ultimately saw as we all did Musyoka aligning himself with the Gx tribal outfit.

But it would not last as Kalonzo was promptly shown the door, wondering why was he let in to begin with; or was he never let in he just walked in without invitation and once in, the rest were embarrassed to tell him to leave until it was clear letting him stay was doing more harm to their schemes than not?

That he went crying to Kibaki who unbelievably attempted to order the Gx to accept him back said more about who Kalonzo has become than the wisdom of Kibaki in doing so.

Be as it may be, it is clear Kalonzo is not welcome in the Gx tribal axis as he doesn’t fit their succession scheme to the extent they know its all about him and the fact that they can’t trust him.

Ironically, if the question is simply who among the presidential contenders can be trusted to try and thwart the ICC cases or who among them can be trusted not to hand over the ICC suspects if they are convicted, Musyoka ranks at the top of that list and specifically at the No.1 spot because he has proven without any doubt when it comes to putting the country’s interests third in relation to his personal interests, which always come first with others interests he makes deals with coming second, there is no one who can claim that spot and by far but Kalonzo Musyoka.

The problem the Gx have with Musyoka even in light of this fact, is that they cannot be assured he can be trusted as much for the same reasons, namely, Kalonzo is always going to do what is in his selfish interest and if that means handing over the ICC suspects to the Hague if convicted, he would do so without even as a thought and point to the Bible saying that’s the right thing to do according to God’s teaching.

Who can question that?

It was therefore no surprise when the tribal outfit Gx showed Kalonzo the door and even with Kibaki’s intervention to have him accepted back, the outfit is clearly determined to keep him out of its scheme.

Word going around now is that Kalonzo wants in with Raila and ODM even though he is denying this in a story carried today by the Standard Online.

This has had me thinking; is it a good or bad thing for Raila and ODM to work with Kalonzo?

Let me recap for those who don’t know my position on Kalonzo.

After meeting him and others in a Kenya delegation in New York back in 2000, I told a friend I was very impressed with Kalonzo and could see him being elected as our president, even though at the time I had my good friend Simon Nyachae ahead of everyone in succeeding Moi.

In Wishing HE President Mwai Kibaki Well As He Prepares To Retire, I noted the following regarding the post election period:

A few days later, I left the country in controlled rage and determined to lobby everyone in Washington for help in getting Kibaki to renounce his swearing in and allow the people’s will to prevail. You could not have asked me to name more than two people I held in more contempt at that time than Kibaki and Kalonzo and between the two, Kalonzo more than Kibaki. (Emphasis added).

I meant that.

I also for a very long time maintained that I loved all Kenyans except for Kalonzo for the same reasons.

After penning an unrelated blog counseling people to forgive others even when the offenders have not apologized or asked for forgiveness, I found myself thinking about my own stance as to Kalonzo and immediately blogged that I had forgiven him for the wrong I believe he committed against our country and therefore can now say I love all Kenyans.

I noted in the same blog forgiving Kalonzo did not mean that I could now vote for him for president and neither should anyone.

My firm believe is Kalonzo forever forfeited the opportunity to be elected as president and this will never change no matter what he does or says.

It is a small price to pay for nearly throwing our country into civil war.

This does not mean that Kalonzo cannot find ways he can remain relevant in Kenyan politics; quite the opposite he can and he should but let him not fool himself that he can be our next elected president.

He can and he should, however, try and align himself with a party or person he can help with whatever following he has to help that person get elected president if anything to keep hope alive that he can still remain relevant politically after the elections.

In this regard, I don’t see anything wrong for him to want to work and help Raila get re-elected as president and neither is there anything wrong for Raila to want to work with him.

Indeed, everything considered, Kalonzo is far better off working with Raila and ODM than anyone else out there and this is true in every respect and variation of options and circumstances.

Conversely and ironically so, every serious presidential contender has pathways to State House that need not involve Kalonzo and if it does, it is not in what he brings to the table but what he doesn’t take away, if at all.

In this sense, Kalonzo working with Raila and ODM may not add much to the latter’s winning formula but it is certain to take the air off the sails of the tribal outfit Gx and that is a net-plus for Raila and ODM with the question being, at what price?

Done well, not at any price as it would be a win-win in working together as such when they win.

The only caveat is, whoever works with Kalonzo must be aware that he brings with him everything I have analyzed above and to handle him accordingly.

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Posted by on March 24, 2012 in Politics


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IEBC Must Remain Neutral and Why Kibaki Needs To Reverse Course On Election Date

Every Kenyan that cares about our beloved country is of the view or at least believes we saw the worst of the worst in Kivuitu and his now defunct Electoral Commission when it comes to how we elect our leaders, especially the president.

When the new IEBC was constituted and its commissioners sworn, every expectation has been this new body brings with it not only a sense of hope in finally having an election body that oversees elections that are as fair, open and transparent as can be, but one also that separates itself from politics and remains the neutral referee it must be.

By electing Isaack Hassan, a Kenyan of Somali descent to head the body, the decision makers were obviously also conscious of the fact tribalism has been rearing its ugly head in many, if not all of our institutions so someone from Hassan’s community is generally speaking seen to be less vulnerable to tribalistic conduct in carrying out the duties of this important office.

Both of these considerations, namely, the neutrality of the IEBC and absence of tribalistic or otherwise primitive conduct of the affairs of the IEBC are at stake and going by what just happened this week regarding IEBC’s announcement of the election date, a lot is left to be desired.

Our brothers and sisters from the Kenyan Somali community are also on test whether, indeed, they are or can be the neutral arbiters free of tribalism everyone is giving them the benefit of doubt to be or will they beg to differ.

While no one can at this time say the IEBC is compromised or is headed in the direction the old we so much wish to forget took us with Kivuitu, there are tell tales if the body does not re-evaluate and reverse course, it may start drifting in that direction before forced to correct course.

One such tell tales is the rush to announce an election date under circumstances that in the least clearly show the body has taken sides on an issue it should not.

When the Constitutional Court rendered its decision that is now on appeal regarding the election date, the court essentially gave the country two options and these are, have elections in March 2013, or in 2012 if Kibaki and Raila agree in writing to dissolve the Grand Coalition government.

Although the court did not order a time by which the two principals must agree to dissolve the government in order to have elections in 2012, the latest that can be is October of this year as that would allow the 60 days within which elections must be held under this scenario according to the court failure of which results in the elections being held in March 2013 as the court ruled in the alternative, unless reversed on appeal.

Yet, instead of awaiting either action by the coalition partners or the outcome of the appeal now pending regarding the election date, IEBC has gone ahead and announced its preferred date ostensibly in line with the court’s one half of its confusing decision.

Were that all there is to this, one would pay no attention to it but there is more.

According to the Standard, after its letter to State House seeking a meeting between it and the two principles was ignored, IEBC separately met with Kibaki who told the body his preferred date was the March date that extends his term of office.

The IEBC team then met with the PM who told them he prefers a December date which is also the date preferred by 80% of Kenyans and offered reasons why but the paper reports that “curiously no one went back to the President for direction after what the PM had said.”

In fact, a meeting was already scheduled for Monday between the two principals but then IEBC announced the election date on Saturday, before that meeting and a day after meeting both principals separately.

This conduct by IEBC is troubling for two reasons.

First, it clearly shows that the IEBC has taken sides as between the President and Prime Minister on an issue it should not at all.

There is nothing that would have compelled the IEBC to act in the manner it has other than either trying to make itself a player in a game it’s supposed to be an unbiased referee or Hassan and those who sided with him in making the rushed announcement in this manner have forgotten their noble role in this process.

Second, going by what the Standard reported, it is clear Kibaki is once again playing politics with a matter he should not.

We all saw Kibaki the other day clearly say “tutachaguliana mwisho wa mwaka huu” and when a reporter accurately reported this in the media to everyone’s relief, Kibaki hurried back to a podium to say he said no such a thing and name called the reporter for telling the truth about what he said.

Why is Kibaki not interested in having elections in December of this year as practically all Kenyans want?

His pointing to the “law” as reason why is disingenuous at best because the same law he is purporting to follow also directs him to agree with the PM to hold election in 2012.

The PM has said he supports a December 2012 election, a vast majority of Kenyans, which oddly includes his political enemies agree with him the only person in the way of having elections in 2012 is Kibaki and his clique who for one reason or another want to extend Kibaki’s term of office beyond 2012.

It is in Kibaki’s interest to reverse course on this issue and agree on a December 2012 date if anything for the sake of his legacy otherwise either the Supreme Court will follow the people’s will and set the election date for December or it doesn’t and the election are held in March 2013 as Kibaki wishes without any good reason leaving bad taste in people’s mouths as he leaves office.

The choice is his.


Posted by on March 21, 2012 in Politics


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The PM’s Choice of Words In Criticizing The Constitutional Court Decision Was Inartful

In response to the Daily Nation story quoting the PM describing the Constitutional Court as “korti ya bandia,” I blogged as follows:

A friend who talked to a source present at the venue tells me Raila never said such a thing, namely, that the IEBC was interpreting a decision by “korti ya bandia” (fake or kangaroo court”).

According to the source, the PM did use those words but not in this context and the manner he used them was, in fact, complementary of the court.

I am inclined to believe that than what’s being reported, especially this being DN.

My position would be the PM can and should be critical of any court decision and we all as Kenyans must engage civilly in debate over any issue but not the PM nor the President or anyone else can deride the court in this manner, even when the court is clearly wrong for respect for the institutions, including the presidency and premiership is and must always be paramount and above all else especially now that we have the needed reforms underway.

Following this post, a netter provided a news clip showing the PM saying what he said, which I had seen elsewhere since posting my blog but the netter went on to say I was “defending the indefensible” in saying what I said above in the post.

In response, I have said the following to the netter:

I know you know better than saying I am “defending the indefensible” when I clearly state what my position would be were the account to be as reported by DN and not as my friend told me and if you missed it, here is what I said, “My position would be the PM can and should be critical of any court decision and we all as Kenyans must engage civilly in debate over any issue but not the PM nor the President or anyone else can deride the court in this manner, even when the court is clearly wrong for respect for the institutions, including the presidency and premiership is and must always be paramount and above all else especially now that we have the needed reforms underway.

There is no way you can take that and say I am defending what Raila said, if it is as reported by the DN.

I have since seen the clip and would say even if I and others objective can see what the PM was trying to say, it did not come across that way and he should not have used the words “mahakama ya bandia” at all lest the criticism he is getting would follow and I’ll give you the criticism is justified.

Having said that, I have also blogged as follows:

Raila is fully aware that his political enemies and opponents can diarrhea untruths, half-truths and other nonsense everyday and nobody cares but he misspeaks or God forbid he inadvertently says something he didn’t mean to say or in a manner he didn’t as all politicians are prone to or everyone is for that matter and everyone on his opposing side is ready to pounce or hang him for it.

In other words, Raila is supposed to be perfect and therefore super-human in everything he says and does in the eyes of his enemies and opponents but when his supporters present him as the least imperfect and most qualified of all the candidates seeking the presidency, they are told they are idolators who worship him.

The disingenuity and hypocrisy in those who so criticize him and his supporters is obvious and something he and his supporters must live with through the day he is reelected and sworn as our next president.

Please also note my friend was right in what what his source told him that Raila never said what he was quoted as saying in the DN, namely, “korti ya bandia.” The words Raila actually used were “mahakama ya bandia.

It’s inaccuracies like this in media reporting that keep people on the edge but sometimes its more than just inaccuracies in reporting but that does not take away the fact that our leaders must be careful in what they say.

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Posted by on March 20, 2012 in Politics


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New K24 Show Hosted By Jeff Koinange

Jeff Koinange: Ladies and Gentlemen. K24 has been accused of being an Uhuru Kenyatta mouthpiece. I reject this accusation as I strongly as one can. K24 is about examining political issues of the day and what our leaders from across the board are saying or doing about them.

K24 is impartial and balanced in its programming and its not our policy to slant coverage in favor of any one person or any tribe for that matter.

Today, we are launching a new program “Face the Nation” a show like no other you have seen (other than the Bench) bringing you issues you want addressed as our viewers and to kick us off, our first show is about the 47th County, Nairobi, what issues the county faces and who should be elected as governor to tackle them.

Our guests are two Kikuyus vying for governorship of Nairobi County and the Chairman of SONU, who happens to be a Luo but we have him here to fend off any charges we are an anti-Luo joint–never mind I won’t be asking him much as I showcase our preferred candidate for the office and more so my good friend KK.

End Intro.


Another good idea by Jeff Koinange and perfect to accomplish the stations known objective. I’ll be curious to know, though, why he picked the title of the show identical to CBS’ Face the Nation of the US but that’s neither here nor there.

In substance, a good first show as the show, did, in fact, address pertinent issues affecting Nairobi County that its first governor must tackle upon being sworn and with no time to waste.

Beyond that, it remains to be seen what JK has in store for us in terms of his agenda and invited guests and analysts/ commentators.

It will be a great show if JK were to be a disinterested host interested only on the issues and not the promotion of the individuals he parades through the show or their allies–a feat I would nominate him for every possible prestigious journalism award–even the Nobel Prize, why not; for that would be a feat that would defy everything we know including the not so-hidden agenda of K24!

I can think of 5 good business reasons and 3 political reasons why it would be in K24’s interest to have such an objective show as opposed to a predictable and slanted one as yours truly suspects this one will likely turn out to be if the tell tales tell us anything.

***The Intro is a parody***


Posted by on March 18, 2012 in Politics


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President Kibaki Must Put Country First And Agree To December 2012 Elections

The other day, President Kibaki clearly said to the relief of everyone that elections will be held at the end of this year, which everyone understood to mean December.

Without missing a beat, however, the president quickly retracted and said the elections will be held in March 2013, citing the constitutional court ruling.

Kibaki’s pronouncement is troubling and quite frankly strange because  it is unheard of for a president to cite a ruling of a lower court for a proposition when that ruling itself is on appeal.

The constitutional court ruling is not final and is therefore not binding on anyone and if the president agrees with it, he has not given us any reason why he only agrees with half of the ruling and not the other half.

The court gave us a confusing two part ruling in which it erroneously ruled that the correct election date is March 2013 while at the same time ruling that the elections can be held this year only if the coalition partners agree to dissolve the coalition triggering an election 60 days upon dissolution of the government.

Yet, to hear Kibaki say it, the court has ruled that the elections shall be held in March 2013 and there is nothing he or anyone can do about it.

This is obviously not the case.

Even assuming for a moment that the constitutional ruling can withstand scrutiny on appeal and be affirmed as is, the prevailing wisdom and consensus in the country is that elections must be held this year so it would behoove the president and prime minister to sit down and agree on a date to dissolve the coalition government and set in motion a process to hold elections latest by December.

It is obvious Kibaki is hardly ever enthusiastic in consulting with the PM on any of these issues but much as he may not wish to, we are now a country where the rule of law is paramount and cannot be ignored for the sake of advancing narrow and selfish political and personal interests.

The constitutional mandate for consultation on key issues such as this is there to ensure our top leadership acts in unison in the interest of our country,  and for no other purpose or gain.

But even this requirement for dissolving the government to trigger new elections is cumbersome and unnecessary.

The Supreme Court has the power to properly interpret the constitution and authoritatively set the election date as December 2012 and no torturing of the constitution is needed to reach that conclusion as was obviously the case in the constitutional court erroneously reaching its conclusion about the election date being 2013.

The constitutional court essentially decided to ignore several provisions in the main body of the constitution and entirely based its decision on the provisions of the Sixth Schedule which it tortured in its legal analysis to reach its conclusion, complete with reliance on the legal doctrine of generalibus specialia derogant, which it wrongly applied as to the date issue.

The Supreme Court can fix this if and when the case gets to it, if it so choses but, in the event it agrees with the constitutional court, then either the president and prime minister must agree to dissolve the government as per the second part of the constitutional court ruling and give is a date certain in 2012 or Parliament must enact a law setting the date for December.

We simply must not have election date extended to March 2013 and this notwithstanding the fact members of parliament will stand to gain monetarily with a prolonged parliament life and certainly it should be of no consequence what impact a prolonged presidency may or may not have on ICC cases as those rooting for a March 2013 naively seem to believe.

A December 2012 date is desirable and a majority or even super majority of Kenyans favor this date for several reasons:

First, December is simply the month we as Kenyans have traditionally held our general elections and even though the constitution set the new election date on the second Tuesday in August in every fifth year,” August elections this year is simply an impossibility therefore either by interpretation or statute, the date must remain in December.

Second, although the constitution provides for diaspora voting, it is unlikely the mechanisms will be in place for such voting this election circle so having a December election is preferable for Kenyans living in the diaspora as this is the only time in the year those willing and able to can make arrangements to travel to Kenya for the holidays as well as to vote.

Third, there is no compelling reason elections must be held in March other than extending the president’s term of office by and among those who see some advantage in doing so.

In sum, we must have elections in 2012 and the best thing the president should do for the sake of the country and specifically to avoid further uncertainty as to election date is simply agree to a December date and the PM having already agreed to this, this should be as good as done.

There is no reason to continue with this soon to be unnecessary uncertainty which can quickly morph into irresponsible leadership, if not worse.

There are certain things not worth putting our country through the wringer for and this is clearly one of them.

Let’s have elections the soonest possible and once the people have spoken, usher in a new government hopefully to take us in a new path to progress and prosperity but any delay in getting to those elections shall clearly be seen as an effort to scheme against the people for the benefit of a few and that cannot be acceptable.

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Posted by on March 16, 2012 in Politics


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