Monthly Archives: March 2020

Kemei Murder: Ruto Is Innocent


Sergeant Kipyegon Kenei

Deputy President William Ruto gave an impassioned speech during the burial of Sergeant Kipyegon Kenei, a security officer in Ruto’s office who got entangled with theĀ Echesa Fake Military Procurement scandal that has quickly turned from a daring scam into a cold-blooded murder case.

The DP was at one point almost in tears as he professed his innocence and non involvement whatsoever in the murder of this yet another Kenyan whose murder can either be silencing him so as not to spill what he knows, or to implicate Ruto and therefore bring him down on that basis alone.

Those are the only two options.

There’s no in-between scenario to explain this murder.


And just so it’s clear, had Ruto out and out broken into a tearful cry, it would not have been crocodile tears. Far from it.

But that’s one half of the story–the innocence or absence of it in the Kemei murder.

The DP did not just profess his innocence; he went into the offensive daring anyone, including the system he says is out to get him or otherwise stop him from becoming our next president, to even kill him, if they have to for he says he’s not going to be cowed from seeking the presidency he no doubt believes is his this time around.

The man from Sugoi singled out Kinoti as representative of the system and basically told him his gloves are off and he’s ready for the fight.

On this one, I believe the DP is, indeed, innocent of Kemei’s murder as he so passionately insinuated, even as an unwitting participant but wiser counsel would have been for him not to take the battle to Kinoti, and therefore the president himself as he has.

It’s an unnecessary escalation but the gloves are off, with the system having taken them off first, and now joined by the DP.

Someone will get a KO and bettors who don’t like losing any money will put their odds on the system delivering the proverbial KO.

If not, Ruto will be president for life.

And the country will then see an exodus of mostly men scrambling for life and safety outside the borders and out of reach of Ruto’s own Kinoti.

Stay tuned.


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What David Murathe Said About Matiang’i Means


CS Fred Matiang’i with Sabina Chege, Women Rep for Murang’a

Anyone who follows what I write and what I have said about David Murathe, and in particular what he told me about Raila just before 2007 elections will know why what Murathe said about Matiang’i, which you can read more as reported by the media in Murathe Says Matiang’i Fit For President.

I have also said here and elsewhere except my column where I don’t write about Matiang’i for reasons I know that there’s a camp within the system that prefers to have Matiang’i/Gideon as successor to Uhuru and Ruto, respectively.

There’s, of course, the more definitive and able one-to decide-and-do over everyone wing of the system that prefers Baba/Gideon with UK as all powerful PM, or some other less powerful PM.

Which one of the two wings will prevail is anyone’s guess.

Odds are the latter will prevail unless BBI goes south, which is highly unlikely in which case they’ll abandon their lukewarm support of Raila and adopt the former’s position and if they do, there’s an element of that strategy I and the few who know, know that would make it advisable for Matiang’i to decline the offer when offered.

One thing that’s for certain and you can deduce from the above is Ruto won’t see the inside of State House as president come 2022 so say BOTH wings of the system and that you can stagger to the closest bank and cash if you don’t believe.


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