Monthly Archives: May 2020

Impeaching Deputy President William Ruto

Ruto(3)This is no longer noise in some opposition circles but every indication now is we are headed to a showdown in Parliament to test if Ruto has the votes to block or defeat his impeachment.

The first salvo is fired by bringing up a motion in the National Assembly supported by one-third of all members, or 116 MPs. A motion to impeach Ruto has been drafted and is currently supported by 106 members (see below).

It is curious the draft motion is circulating with only 106 members as one would think the movant would want to have the requisite one-third of the members before having it leaked for public consumption or support but I am sure they have their reasons, probably believing they only need 96 votes, which is theoretically possible but I doubt that’s the reason.

Be that as it may, impeachment showdown is looming and those baying for Ruto’s impeachment and removal can smell victory and thus this escalation in the efforts.

The motion, if brought up in the National Assembly will require two-thirds approval by all members to proceed to the Senate where the impeachment must be upheld by two-thirds majority there as well.

Not an easy task in both cases, to say the least, but it is also entirely possible, especially given recent developments that show Ruto does not have the numbers in supporters we thought he has in Parliament.

DP Impeach Motion(1)

DP Impeach Motion(2)

DP Impeach Motion(3)

DP Impeach Motion(4)


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Posted by on May 25, 2020 in Politics


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The Day I Almost Perished Near Mombasa

Mtito Andei(1)

And then there are many Kenyans from those times who remember how the Presidential Escort Motorcade would travel at high speed on the Nakuru-Nairobi Highway in the 1980s and the 1990s, either from Nakuru to Nairobi or vice versa. Nakuru-Nairobi/Nairobi-Nakuru is two hours by road, but the Presidential Escort normally did Nakuru-Nairobi/Nairobi-Nakuru in about 75 minutes, normally on Uncle Dan’s instructions because there was always something that needed to be done, somewhere that he needed to be.

I read this in a long post by Michael Mundia Kamau, who I enjoy reading his historical pieces and nostalgic photos he shares on his Facebook page and reading this prompted me to share the following from my memoir (work in progress) regarding presidential motorcades.

[I describe in my memoir, the first and second time I was in a presidential motorcade though it would be more accurate to call it a Prime Ministerial motorcade as this was when Raila was Prime Minister and on those two occasions I joined him, in his limousine, on a tour to Mt. Kenya region, including a visit to Dedan Kihika Kiman’s home in Njambini where I met for the first time and chitchatted with Maina Njenga, and another time when I was in a separate vehicle on a motorcade with the then PM to Nyayo Stadium to attend a friendly soccer match between Kenya and Uganda]

Here is something this post reminded me I can share now, and it has to do with the 2013 general elections.

It was not a motorcade but, being driven in an official campaign vehicle for ODM during the 2013 elections campaign. In the 2007 general elections, I was ODM’s Supervising Agent for Rift Valley [more on that in the memoirs]. In 2013, I worked with someone who is now a senior officer in the Deputy Prime Minister’s office, as the Advance Team for countrywide ODM campaign rallies.

Our primary responsibility was to arrive at the next rally venue, usually a day before where we would meet with local leaders to flesh-out any issues that may be there and to supervise logistics for the rallies, such as sitting arrangements, facilitating PA systems, liaising with the media and so on.

Although sometimes we would stay for the rally, often we would leave as soon as Raila and his entourage arrive to dash to the next venue to do the same advance work, especially if the rallies were close by. On occasion, we would spend overnight and travel early the next morning for the next rally.

Our driver in the high-end SUV must have been plucked from the Presidential Escort unit because his driving skills were breathtaking—literally! The man could put his foot to the pedal unlike anyone I knew or seen and yet, he was able to drive us all those times crisscrossing the country without even as coming close to having an accident.

In hindsight, I know it was only God who protected us because the speeds we were doing on these treacherous Kenyan roads were such that it was simply by God’s intervention we never got involved in any accident.

The man drove so fast, and so dangerously overtook other vehicles I would close my eyes and try to go to sleep so as not to see things flying by such as big buses and lorries he was whizzing by as if he was on a suicidal mission.

The senior government official I was riding and working with and I sat in the back and the driver and security detail sat in the front but. Being a senior government official used to being driven at these speeds, my friend expressed no concern neither did he seem to be bothered at all.

Because of this, I also did bother saying anything for some time, but I did once bring it up confessing to him I was petrified at the speed we were being driven.

That day, he told the driver to slow down and it also happened to be the day we were to drive from Nakuru Afraha Stadium in the late afternoon headed to Mombasa where the next rally was to be held. The driver was determined to get us there in a flush and I overheard him say as much to the security detail, prompting me to say something to my colleague as I couldn’t bear the scare anymore.

[I recount in my memoirs how on this trip, we were joined by an OCPD we gave a ride to Nairobi who engaged in talk with my partner on fascinating “inner government” stories but I fell asleep much of the way though I had already promised not to disclose anything I heard the two talk about, and I wouldn’t—fascinating as what little I had was].

It turns out the driver was not plucked from the Presidential Escort, but he previously drove matatus before being recruited to become a government driver.

No wonder!

I have these recollections under the above titled chapter for a reason and I may or may not share details about this trip and day I nearly perished in a road accident on the way to Mombasa, being driven in a rental car and the near miss accident occurred just before getting to our destination.

It was a terrifying experience I am debating whether to even recount but will decide if to do so and how much of it I would share, as it also involves a plot by someone who must have wanted yours truly dead.

Some things are better off forgotten and that is my current inclination.

Read more in my memoirs I hope to publish before the next elections.


Posted by on May 14, 2020 in Musings, Politics


Insult and Disrespect Uhuru at Your Own Peril


Every leader in any country, even one deemed to be the most feeble over time hardens and becomes shrewd to sustain themselves in power.

To insult, disrespect and belittle a president is moronic and has a price to pay for those who do so, especially anyone in a position of power linked to the leader.

This tweet by one Ken Odero is illustrative of this point:

“Jubilee Tangatanga wing assumes that Uhuru is a fool, and it’s Raila who is behind his latest purge. No. Uhuru became president with ICC hanging on his shoulders. Became president 2nd time with the worst record ever. That is not a fools fete. #UkweliUsemwe That man is ruthless!”

Uhuru was deemed to be a weak, disinterested president when vying for the presidency, and even long after he was sworn as president for the first time in 2013 but even as Ruto himself is now finding out, he and others greatly underestimated Uhuru; the man from Sugoi had no idea Uhuru can take the ax to him as he has.

Had he known, he would have played his cards differently.

And even then, he would still have had a rough time and serious obstacles to overcome to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta as all men in his position before him found out, except the late Moi who found a way to avoid all the pitfalls to succeed Uhuru’s father.

Ruto instead took advantage of what he deemed to be Uhuru’s weaknesses to chart ostensibly his own path to State House but this has backfired massively.

Indeed, Ruto’s actions and those of his foot soldiers in the frontlines delivering madharau have all along had a price tag to pay, and that time is now as they are rudely finding out.

Na mambo bado, as the popular expression goes, meaning, more of this purging or paying the price is to come.

It will therefore surprise no one that all but the most diehard loyalists in Rift Valley and some pockets of Central will soon troop back to Uhuru and seek forgiveness for straying or keeping mum when the insults were being hurled.

The sins will be forgiven unless unforgivable.

It is also the reason Ruto’s loyalists in Parliament cannot now save him from impeachment and removal as Deputy President.

Usicheze na serikali; learn to live to fight another day or, better yet, from the inside as Raila is currently doing–and no one has tried harder to beat the system but failed.


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Posted by on May 13, 2020 in Politics


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Onslaught Against DP William Ruto Is In High Gear


I am starting to feel sorry for Deputy President William Ruto; the hustler is poised to lose a lot, lot more than I previously thought possible. To be sure, Ruto is a good man, it is just he became too aggressive in his quest for the presidency and along the way did things that simply alarmed a lot of people, wondering what he would be like were he to become president.

This is the primary reason most people oppose his quest for the presidency, besides the fact we do not need yet another rotation of the presidency between Kikuyus and Kalenjin; as HM Governor Ann Waiguru reminded everyone sometime ago, it is time a son or daughter of mothers in other parts of Kenya had the opportunity to lead the country.

This is a reasonable sentiment everyone aught to be able to agree and it was the subject of my Open Letter to HE President Emilio Mwai Kibaki penned almost 8 years ago and Our Brothers and Sisters From Kikuyuland Give Us A Break From Yet Another Kikuyu Presidency penned a year letter but all to no avail.

Let’s hope this is the time this message fully resonates with everyone, especially those at the controls and I feel very good this will, in fact, be the case.

Notwithstanding how I feel about the man from Sugoi, and having stated why I and others are opposed to his presidency, the writing on the wall is he is poised to suffer major loses in the hands of the system of a kind many of us did not think was possible.

For example, I did not think, and I have previously said Ruto could be removed from office via impeachment as I believed he had impeachment proof majority in Parliament but I have just in the last few days seen the contours of how Ruto can be impeached and removed from office.

Nobody has told me this but my own surmise putting two and two together is they’re putting pressure on Ruto to both exit Jubilee and resign from government, or else they simply impeach and remove him.

That’s got to be plan.

That being said, Ruto may be forced out but he will certainly give someone a run for their money come 2022, and nightmares for those not fleeing the country if he somehow makes it as president though highly unlikely.

This is also why crossed the Rubicon yesterday, it is impossible to see how Uhuru and the system reverses course to embrace even a remote prospect for Uhuru to seek the presidency; they just won’t take that risk.

There is more, but that is it for now.

Stay tuned.

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Posted by on May 12, 2020 in Politics


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Removal of Senator Ledama Olekina from CPAIC

Ledama Olekina(1)

The exchange below occurred elsewhere but am cutting and pasting here for easy reference, and for those of you who have not seen it to peruse it.

As usual, the exchange is with a blogger KM. I am SO.



“Please advise your buddy to comb his hair first so that he can comb Agwambo,” said KM sharing a video of Senator Ledama Olekina, a friend I have known for many years, in which the senator was breathing fire about efforts to remove him from the Chairmanship of CPAIC, a powerful senate committee he maintains he was properly elected to.

His party bigwigs don’t think so and the have denied him the opportunity to serve as chairman on grounds he went around them and got elected using their rival party votes, which is against party policy and therefore a disloyal move.

Nothing parties hate than disloyalty and the party, ODM, did not waste any time to register its displeasure by removing Ledama as a member of the committee, which the party has total and unfettered authority to do, which in turn therefore means Ledama cannot be chairman of the committee.

To the comment by KM, I responded,

As I have previously said, Ledama is making a mistake but I can also tell you it is an intentional mistake. Those who have been following this closely have a good idea or know why and thus my message to my good friend to re-think and politically live to fight another day over things that matter to him and the Maa community.

Being chair of CPAC this year is not one of those but, again, we have a good idea or know why he has chosen to pick and fall on this otherwise meaningless fight.

As I also previously said, his fall from ODM and even joining TangaTanga will not have any effect on what lies ahead for Uhuru/Raila and BBI.

Now, I have said I and others close to Raila and ODM inner circle know why Ledama is doing this to himself but he very much gave a big hint in this clip and his interview the other day I believe KTN when he says he is young and can wait to rise again 20 years after ostensibly the current crop of leaders are gone or elderly as to continue having him pay the price for what he is about to do, but even then he is mistaken.

Yes, the short-term rewards may be great for him for taking this move–or at least so he believes but politically it is a loser proposition as it is impossible for him to outshine whoever now emerges as the Maa kingpin, something he was close to achieving.

KM responded, and then I dissected his response as follows:

KM, I know you’re speaking from lack of inside knowledge while I know what that is but can’t divulge more than I am saying but let me say this in response to your comments now in as carefully as I can without disclosing what I know that need not be public:

You say, “Who said one can only become a Maa Kingpin via ODM?”

Not me. Read again what I said and how I put it and you should conclude the point I am making is whoever becomes the Maa kingpin for 2022 will be there for his life therefore Ledama can only hope he demises before then for him to have another chance at becoming the kingpin. His best chance was now.

You say, “That is where Raila goes wrong. He assumed he would get Kalenjin votes without Ruto but see what happened.”

While I agree with you Raila made a mistake in not courting and keeping Ruto for 2013 as I privately urged him and publicly blogged for months and months, the situation here is different therefore it is not making the same mistake regarding courting and keeping the Maa community vote.

You say “Raila needs Ledema more than Ledema needs Raila.”

False. While Ledama was certainly a rising star in Maa community and ODM, were he to exit ODM, Raila and Co will easily groom someone else, especially if reading from the same page with Uhuru.

You say, “It is such arrogance and being out of reality that will see Raila age and leave without ever sleeping in state house.”

This is just angry rhetoric so let me not bother to respond.

You say, “If his thinking is the same as yours I feel sorry for Raila.”

Your feeling sorry for Raila means he is doing something right; it’s inversed psychology I often laugh when I see it because we are all guilty of same at one point or another.

You say, “You court votes, not pee on them.”

True but no one is peeing on any votes here.

You say, “For heavens sake, he does not need Ongeri who may only give him money.”

You are assuming ODM moved to deny Ledama the position of Chairman because of Ongeri as all of you have been led to believe; however, that is is technically correct, but there is an overriding reason which we know why ODM removed Ledama from CPAIC.

You say, “Problem with Raila is that he looks at pockets and wallets and knows Ongeri will give him money which Ladema lacks.”

ALL politicians look for people with money to support them and if they can also bring votes, so much the better.

You say, ” That is being greedy.”

Obviously false, given the fact I have stated above.

You say, “It will cost him votes.”

It will cost Raila some votes but the gains are greater than those votes.

You say, “Hope he is not hoping to raise money through bribery as has been the case in the past.”

This is a false smear you are throwing out with no evidence but not surprising and no need to address it either beyond this.

He had no rebuttal; he could not possibly have one!


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Some in Central May Not Be Ready for Other than Kikuyu or Kale President, But Time Is Nigh

As I occasionally do, I am cutting and pasting here my exchanges with one or two bloggers I usually engage on matters relating to Kenyan politics for both easy reference, and for you to peruse if you have not seen the posts elsewhere.

This exchange is by someone I refer to as KM, previously a diehard Uhuru supporter but now calls the man names and is all in for Ruto because he hates Raila and does not care for the handshake between Uhuru and Raila. He denies he does not hate Raila or Luos but what he says betrays that, except I would not say he hates Luos as whole as other tribalists from his region do.

This exchange was from May 10, 2020:

SO (that is how I am referred to)

Citing a blog touting Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria as Ruto’s running mate for 2022, the blogger noted:

Kiambu, Gatundu roots. Kuria is popular but Bill ought to seek a deputy from elsewhere. May be Kiunjuri but Meru, Muranga, Kirinyaga or Embu would be his best pick. Raila likely to get Waiguru or PK

All you need to remember is that on the ballot Uhuru will not appear anywhere. It will be Raila vs Ruto. Only a liar and somebody outvof their minds can tell you that today Raila can beat Ruto in Mt. Kenya. It will be a hard sell in Mt. Kenya and Wanjohi knows that. I would bet my votes on that area if I were Agwambo

My response:

KM it doesn’t matter who Ruto picks as his running mate; the outcome for 2022 is going to be pre-determined and unless he throws in the towel and seeks crumbs in the new government as I posited in my last week’s oped, the man from Sugoi won’t be in that government.

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro is quoted in the article saying this:

“Whether tyrants and dictators like it or not, Moses Kuria is the incontestable Mt Kenya spokesperson and deputy president of the Republic of Kenya from 2022. If dynasties want power or cling to power, they can use KPLC power or battery power. We’re Africans and Africa is our business.”

I saw this yesterday on his Twitter and responded to him as follows:

You Ruto diehards are drunk with something but when you sober up, you’ll realize and appreciate even in this day and age long past assassinations, daring, disrespecting and insulting a president has its price to pay.

His response,


All you need to remember is that on the ballot Uhuru will not appear anywhere. It will be Raila vs Ruto. Only a liar and somebody out of their minds can tell you that today Raila can beat Ruto in Mt. Kenya. It will be a hard sell in Mt. Kenya and Wanjohi knows that. I would bet my votes on that area if I were Agwambo

My response:

KM I am resigned to repeat this to no end but here we go: Raila won the presidency outright in 2007 and 2017 without the Kikuyu vote, which is really what we are talking about here.

He will do so again in 2022 except this time with a bigger margin than what he received in those two years. It is therefore irrelevant by what margin Ruto gets the Kikuyu vote, the rest of the country will be voting for change and the change will be spear-headed by Uhuru himself and others from Central (read the system) who know and agree enough is enough with this rotation of the presidency between two tribes.

Attached is a screen shot of a message from a successful and influential Kikuyu businessman who was initially critical of my penning what he termed “40 vz 2” oped but he changed his mind and agreed with my position, after I explained in more detail than what I wrote in the one piece, including sharing with him my Open Letter to HE President Emilio Mwai Kibaki, EGH, MP and Out Brothers and Sisters From Kikuyuland Needs To Give Us a Break from Yet Another Kikuyu Presidency both of which I penned prior to 2013 elections.

I told the gentleman in this case, we need a break from yet again another Kale presidency. He finally agreed and attached is his reply to that effect and my response. I am obviously withholding his identity but all I can say is, it is great to have men and women of his stature to see things our way, and the Kenyan way for that matter.

His response,

That is in your imagination. Only valid argument is for 2007. Let us see how far Wanjohi will be able to him. You will still say he won in 22 when he goes back to Uhuru for a second fake swearing. He will need majority of Mt. Kenya. Also reduce Kamva votes on his tally and will understand why ODMers are desparate to get UK support. Unfortunately, Mt. Kenya region is giving Wanjohi the middle finger.

My response,

Whether it’s in my imagination or not is irrelevant; I am saying what I am, based on what I know and I am not alone in with that knowledge or view.

You obviously are basing yours entirely on the false belief that Mt. Kenya is Kenya when it is not. I’ll give you that a vast population of Kikuyus in Central will vote against Raila (and therefore benefit Ruto) simply because of their hatred of Raila and some in RV will do so for their misplaced fear of being evicted from there were Ruto to lose as he will but neither of that is going to stop Uhuru and Raila as well as the system in ensuring BBI implementation is a reality.

The ONLY way that dynamic changes, is if Uhuru reneges on the handshake and puts his weight and therefore that of the system behind someone else. That someone else will be the preside and what you can take to the bank is that someone else WON’T be Ruto.

I am all for that and even warming up to the idea of having my old friend CS Matiang’i being the compromise candidate.


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Rebutting Sentiments Expressed by William Kabogo, former Kiambu Governor Regarding Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenya Flag3

Someone commenting on a FB post shared ostensibly words of wisdom or advise from the “former governor of Kiambu” as the individual posting described him, not sure why he didn’t name him as William Kabogo, someone I would say is an old friend though we haven’t communicated in years says.

Kabogo apparently gave a tv interview, which the person summarized on the FB post as below in italics. My responses follow as to each accordingly:

1. Kenya is not in good condition for political fight, Uhuru must accept the truth.

False premise, therefore false conclusion. The argument assumes that a country must be in “good condition” for there to be political fight, which is false. Political fights take place in BOTH good and bad time; in good times because there’s someone who believes they can do better, in bad times for obvious reasons but falling back to the same principle, namely, someone who believes they can do better, and an expectation of same from their followers.

2. Power does not come from the state! but from Kenyans, My brother Uhuru must understand that.

This is generally the case in advanced democracies such as the United States and the EU where the rule of law, the absence of electoral misconduct and accountability are firmly rooted in their systems to ,make it possible for the people to freely exercise their franchise. That’s not the case in Africa, certainly not in Kenya. Libya and Egypt have also proven this “power rests with the people” is a farce.

Truth is, it takes the cooperation of the state leading the people to a more utopian state and that’s what the state is doing in this case, namely, establishing an environment it can co-exist with the people less disconcerted or ready to take up arms and fight in a bloody civil war as nearly became the case in 2008 and less so in 2017 with economic sabotage and cessation being the threat in the latter case.

3. 2017 I was rejected by Kiambu voters, then I accept and respected their choice.

This is how it should be in true and mature democracies but we know that’s not the case in Kenya, especially at presidential level, which are ALWAYS rigged in favor of the incumbent, or someone the system prefers, except in 2002, which was an aberration under circumstances not likely to repeat again.

No need to go into the weeds here on this but, as I have previously said, had Kibaki not been a Kikuyu and it was someone else pitted against Uhuru at that time, Uhuru would have been declared president in 2002. Take that to the bank. This is the situation BBI is designed to fix, namely, having presidential elections whose outcome is open, fair and transparent, even though I can say without fear of contradiction were Ruto to win the popular vote, he will be rigged out no different than Raila was at least in 2007 and 2017.

4. I want to advice my brother Uhuru, it’s majority role not minority, He should give a good environment to majority.

Again, false. The only time we have had majority decide the presidency in Kenya was in 2002. We may see the same outcome in 2020 but only if BBI is implemented as envisioned by Uhuru and Raila, otherwise, it’s status quo, meaning, the system will continue to approve who becomes president regardless of what the majority thinks, says or does, including voting.

5. If there are thieves in this country they should be in jail, starting with the real land grabber who own 0.5 of the country not the fake one.

Kabogo is obviously here referring to land owned by the Kenyatta family. This notion that the Kenyatta family should surrender stolen or grabbed land from their patriarch’s days is a non-starter. Again, not to go into the weeds on this, let me just note a couple of things, one practical, one legal. The practical is it goes without saying it’s the definition of an exercise in futility to expect the government to go after the president’s property for obvious reasons: the president has enough powers to make sure that does not happen.

That’s true in Kenya and everywhere else. Can a new president go after land illegally acquired by a former president? Of course; that’s why incumbents fight to make sure their successor is someone who would protect their interests. It is also why given the bad blood now between Uhuru and Ruto, the latter will not see the inside of State House as president as Uhuru would fear precisely what Kabogo is suggesting here and so will make sure that does not happen.

The legal reason why this may not happen, namely, repossessing land from Kenyatta family is what is known as “statute of limitations.” The statute of limitations law provides in the case of Kenya, that one cannot seek to recover land if 12 years have passed since the person had a right to recover that land. under the law. There are exceptions that may be applicable, but the Kenyattas have enough money and other incentives (read: power) to make sure judgment is in their favor. In sum, forget about Kenyatta land ever reverting to the public. Now, Ruto, is a different story as none of the foregoing apply in his case.

6. The government should give solution not suggestions and propaganda, if Ruto is the Kenyans solution just give him space.

Not sure what Kabogo means by that but it is true as a general proposition that the government should give solutions and not suggestions or propaganda. We know Ruto is NOT the solution because at the core of what BBI intends to resolve, is this revolving of the presidency between two tribes in a country of more than 40 tribes.

This must come to an end and, to their credit, Uhuru and the system agree and so it shall be. We’ll have a president other than a Kikuyu or Kale for the first time, and that is a good thing. Equally important, we will have peaceful presidential election devoid of destruction of property, violence and deaths because BBI is designed to have a negotiated and agreed to line-up to take over, power come 2022.

7. We must accept Ruto has75% support from Kenyans and we must respect the majority.


The majority of Kenya want a government that works to their benefit, one that reflects the country in its composition, and one formed after peaceful elections devoid of destruction of property, violence and deaths, which is exactly what BBI is designed to deliver.

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Posted by on May 5, 2020 in Politics


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