Monthly Archives: January 2021

Happy 101 Birthday Sir Charles Njonjo


I will some day God willing pen in my work in progress memoir how I got to meet the statesman Charles Njonjo and my subsequent interactions and meetings with him at his office or lunches at Nairobi Club but it was, indeed, such a pleasure getting to know him one on one and confirming everything I ever read or knew about him. Other than two individuals who arranged the first lunch meeting at Nairobi Club, I doubt anyone else would believe contrary to what would be the norm, it was Sir Charles, not me, who sought to have a meeting with me!

Yes, even I did not believe it but the legal genius who nipped the Kenyatta succession schemers of the 70s read a piece I penned about Kenya’s Supreme Court and wanted to meet me and thus, the little history. My only disappointment–and I told him this, was his reluctance and ultimately decision not to have me pen his memoirs. It is generally known, and I got to get a peek of this in my meetings with him the man has books in him much of which is not public. I just saw this pic and wishes in the Star and knew I would be remiss if I didn’t memorialize here to say Happy Birthday Sir Charles Njonjo!

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Posted by on January 23, 2021 in Uncategorized


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Donald Trump Impeached, Again


Donald J. Trump on Wednesday became the only U.S. president to be impeached twice as 10 Republicans joined 222 House Democrats to impeach Trump on one article of impeachment in which he was charged with inciting the violent insurrection on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol that eventually led to five deaths.

With the ten Republicans joining with the Democrats, this became the most bipartisan impeachment in U.S. history—which is hard to believe even Nixon never got as much bipartisan condemnation by impeachment.

However, the country was not as nearly as divided back in 1974 when Nixon was being impeached, which makes this record bipartisan vote even that more significant in removing the charge it was politically motivated by Democrats.

Note when Trump was impeached last year, no Republicans voted for impeachment and of course Republican senators in the senate who were majority voted to acquit him as was expected.

This time around things are different. For one, this was a bipartisan vote and, even more significantly, the #3 leader and highest woman in Republican leadership in Congress, Representative Elizabeth Cheney voted to impeach.

This is significant because, along with 9 of her Republican colleagues who joined her in the yes vote, the belief now going forward is there will be even more Republicans in the Senate who will vote to convict Trump than there was the last time.

The way the process works is after impeachment, a trial is held in the senate where to remove a president, two thirds majority of the senate members present must vote to convict on, in this case, the one article of impeachment.

The article of impeachment charges Trump with “incitement of insurrection,” alleging that his statements on January 6th to a throng of his supporters “encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol.”

The single article of impeachment also cites Trump’s call to the state of Georgia’s election officials on Jan. 6 as an example of his efforts to “subvert and obstruct the certification of the results.”

Trump on that call asked the officials to “find” just the number of votes he needed to win the state, which was stunning even to the officials as it is illegal to do so.

The article of impeachment then concludes that “Donald John Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to the security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.”

The current senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, who will no longer be majority leader after January 20th when Democrats take over control of the Senate, issued a statement saying a second impeachment trial will not begin before January 19th, which is the date the senate is scheduled to return into session, which is also the day before expiration of Trump’s term.

Now President-elect Joe Biden will also be sworn on that day as the 46th president alongside Kamala Harris as Vice President.

Starting a senate trial on the same day Biden and Harris are sworn brings complications in having the senate focused on the trial rather than the priorities of any new administration, which is confirming the new president’s cabinet and pushing through Congress priority legislation in the first 100 days.

Indeed, it was because of this concern even some Democrats expressed reservation to proceed with impeaching Trump with only a few days left of his term. However, this concern was overridden by the argument many others made to say not impeaching will be more harmful to the country.

The wild card now is what happens when the trial takes place; will the senate vote to convict Trump? If they do, then the only punishment left would be banning Trump from seeking any position of trust such as the presidency.

This ban is a key consideration of how senators will vote as there are those who want to permanently get rid of Trump from politics and this will be a good reason alone to vote to convict him.

It is also telling that the senate majority leader, who will remain a powerful and influential minority leader, left it open on the question of whether or not he will vote to convict.

Last time he announced long before the articles of impeachment were sent to the senate that he will not vote to impeach, and he did not.

The fact that he is leaving this open should give Trump great anxiety because if the man votes to convict, the expectation is he will easily have another 20 senators to join him and that means the threshold to convict will be reached and expose Trump to the available sanction of banning him from politics.

There are also lesser sanctions such as forfeiting his pension and lifetime secret service protection but all of these pale in comparison to tarnishing of his brand that he fears the most.

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Posted by on January 13, 2021 in Politics


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Why Donald J Trump Must be Impeached, Convicted and Removed As President Even at This Late Hour


Many are asking a legitimate question why impeach Trump when only a few days left, 7 days to be precise. The reason is simple but before stating it, it is best to first understand why Trump must be impeached to begin with and this is best represented by a statement given by Republican Representative Elizabeth Cheney:

Washington – Wyoming Congresswoman and House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) released the following statement ahead of votes in the House this week:

“On January 6, 2021 a violent mob attacked the United States Capitol to obstruct the process of our democracy and stop the counting of presidential electoral votes. This insurrection caused injury, death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic. 

“Much more will become clear in coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. 

“I will vote to impeach the President.”

The question then becomes can this be overlooked, and Congress act as if it did not happen just because less than 7 days are left for Trump’s term to expire?

The answer is No, that cannot be the case.

As I twitted in response to Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina who like other Trumpians has been shouting that impeachment in this late hour is unnecessary:

Someone inform this double-faced moron this is not about a president leaving office in a few days neither is it about unity of the country but ALL about (a) holding #Trump accountable and (b) upholding the Constitution and democracy #impeachment must occur now to save a country from going to the dogs.

I will find time and say more about this, including deeper analysis of the pros and cons, especially from the Democrats perspective but for now, this is neither a Democrat or Republican issue or question; it is about saving the country and specifically to say in a bi-partisan manner that would-be fascists will not and cannot be given opportunity again to exploit the ignorance on the far right to turn this country into a fascist state as this man whose secretary of state and others never denied calling a moron nearly succeeded in doing this last two months; indeed, since even long before the elections when he started laying the groundwork for the insurrection he not surprisingly instigated.

The madman must be impeached, convicted, removed and banned from ever holding any position of public trust, including the presidency he was threatening to seek again in 2024.

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Posted by on January 13, 2021 in Politics


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Addressing Misconceptions About BBI


As I occasionally do, I am sharing here my response to a fellow Kenyan who responded to a post I have up on Facebook for the benefit of those who may share the same views I address here:

You say, “Why should we get ourselves involved with matters (business) that don’t concern us.” This is not true; the handshake between Uhuru and Raila concerns ALL of us. If you or others disagree then that is your prerogative, but it does not change the fact the handshake was all about making Kenya a better country. If in doubt, find and read the mandate from Uhuru creating the BBI taskforce and if you read that and come away with the same argument that what BBI was tasked to do does not concern us, then we leave it there those we know it does are in the majority and that is what democracy is all about: everyone does not have to agree; only a majority need to and in some cases a super majority.

You say, “That was a pact between Unye and Rao and we were not consulted.” It was a pact between Uhuru and Raila in behalf of country and their supporters as catalyst. We need not have been consulted for that for that is what leadership is all about.

You say “Leadership is about inspiring and not forcing.” Yes and no; there are times it is necessary to force an issue and this BBI implementation is not it as I don’t see what is going on as forcing the issue. It is simply following the law to accomplish that which needs to be accomplished.

You say, “The two are deluded if they think that they are going to force us do anything that we can clearly see serves only selfish interests.” Again, as noted above, no one is forcing anyone to do anything; a referendum will be announced and everyone eligible to vote will vote as they wish and the outcome will govern the day.

Majority of us, of course, disagree that BBI serves “only selfish interests.” That is just not true.
You say, “Trump you despice (sic) as a dictator why should you expect us to accept dictatorship here in Kenya?” Apples and oranges comparison.

That being said, I have actually said and you can look up my past columns and find where I argued some form of dictatorship is necessary in Kenyan politics owing to the gross disingenuity, dishonesty and tumbo driven politics but BBI implementation is not where that is necessary.

I mean that in the sense of fear and respect for a president and not insulting and mudslinging a president without fear of consequence.

A dictator will have your head cut off if you did that and I would not support that but I would support people being punished for doing such short of having their heads chopped. For example, eating maharawe in jail for a few days would suffice just for disrespecting a president.

Some may consider that some form of dictatorship but I disagree and even if it is, I and others will be fine with that as form of maintaining civility and discipline in political discourse.

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Posted by on January 13, 2021 in Politics


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Chief Justice David Maraga Retires


Kenya’s 14th Chief Justice and second under the 2010 Constitution David Maraga has retired. CJ Maraga will be remembered for many things but chief among them is the historic nullification of presidential election results in 2017 and subsequent public battles with the executive.

The now former CJ is a resolute, old fashioned conservative whose character no doubt was shaped by the fact the man is a staunch Seventh Day Adventist and this in turn influenced how he led the court.

The retired CJ did the best under the circumstances and noted above, history will record that his leadership at the Court, especially in the historic nullification paved way to the historic handshake and everything going on right now as we continue to heal the nation and forge forward to a new Kenya devoid of bloody and deadly electoral disputes.

The now former CJ was honored by the Council of Governors at a luncheon yesterday, which is befitting this statesman.

For those who hail from the former CJ’s backyard as I do, and especially the older Turks like me this music is nostalgic no wonder the former CJ–a very conservative SDA you will not find on a dance floor–is dancing to the music.

Asante Omogaka, long live and enjoy your retirement.

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Posted by on January 13, 2021 in Uncategorized


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Another Insincere Statement From Trump

When a Capitol Hill police officer died 2 days ago from injuries inflicted by Trump’s thugs he sent to storm Congress in efforts to cause chaos and insurrection, flags were ordered flown at half-mast in honor of the fallen officer. In normal presidencies, the sitting president would have also ordered flags flown half mast in all federal buildings for the same reason.

Unfortunately, these are the waning days of an insane presidency and the madman holding the office did not disappoint for he refused to issue the proclamation to make that happen, namely, to have flags flown at half mast in federal buildings in honor of this fallen Officer Brian Sicknick.

The only reason for this has to be this failed former president thought issuing the proclamation and having the officer honored this way would remind people how his actions led to the death of this officer and therefore he has his blood on his hands for which he will suffer consequences regardless.

It’s a moronic reason but the man never disappoints when it comes to saying and doing moronic things on any given day or hour.

After mounting pressure from all angles, the man who goes down as the country’s worst president with 10 days to go just relented and finally issued the proclamation.

This has been tTump’s MO since day one when it comes to doing things he deemed not favorable to him or those which would go against his vindictiveness. For example, he refused to have flags lowered for the late Senator McCain, who he hated forgetting these honors are nothing personal but a collective responsibility of the president in behalf of the nation to honor those who deserver it such as federal officers killed while doing their jobs as was the case of Sicknick or heroes who die like McCain–but no, the man is so petty and vindictive such that he sees these as things he can pick and choose who to give to or honor.

It is also interesting to note the proclamation is not just for the killed Officer Sicknick, and neither does it state was killed in an insurrection as it should, rather, the proclamation is also tor ALL police officers across the country, which, of course would include the off duty officers that were part of the insurrection!

So Trumpian and what a relief it’s only 10 days left of this mad presidency, if the man does not resign or impeached and removed as he is clearly a clear and present danger to the country and the world.

We know each time tRump says or does these heinous or extremely offensive if not outright criminal things, the man is forced to read statements like a hostage and more often than not he soon disowns them or says he regrets reading them.

Does not matter even this proclamation is too little, too late anyway.

Again, we thank God he only has less than 10 days in office, if he does not resign or removed earlier, but we also pray he does no more harm to the country.

He has surely done more than enough damage President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have their work cut-out for them as they start to put the pieces of this country this failed president shattered into pieces, especially in these waning days as the sore loser he is, he has been trying to take the country down with him!

Thank God the institutions that have withstood wars held up and we no longer have to worry about this man again, save for the next few days we still count on these institutions to hold–heck, at this point the expectation is even his sycophants will not obey illegal orders or anything outlandish he may want to do as they have to worry about their own futures.

God help us nonetheless!

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Posted by on January 10, 2021 in Politics


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Why Trump Must Be Impeached


Capitol Police under attack from the insurrection mob on January 6, 2021

When a whistleblower revealed in a complaint that president Donald Trump broke the law in pressuring the president of Ukraine to investigate his then likely political opponent and now president-elect Joe Biden by threatening to withhold US aid, there was an outcry and calls were immediately made to impeach Trump over this, and he was impeached, though not removed as the Republicans in the Senate blocked removal.

Making a decision to impeach Trump was not an overnight thing as it took years; in fact, there were some far left Democrats in Congress who called for Trump’s impeachment from as early as even before he was sworn in as president. However, serious calls for impeachment peaked after Trump’s call to the Ukrainian president when even Speaker Pelosi saw no choice but to bring impeachment articles against Trump.

Democrats who had and continue to have a majority in the House could have brought impeachment proceedings at any time but Speaker Pelosi held her foot firm on the ground saying no, especially since in time a special counsel was appointed to investigate Russia’s interference in 2016 elections which helped Trump and this, for Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, had to be allowed to run its course as much of the calls for Trump impeachment related to Democrats believing he colluded with Russia to have elected.

As that investigation was underway, Trump made the call to the Ukrainian president he characterized as “perfect,” but the call was anything but.

In fact, the call was as illegal and in violation of the president’s oath of office as any can be but Trump, not unlike what he does day in and day out, he projected, calling the call “perfect” when it was the opposite.

This is what had the House pass articles of impeachment and sent to the Senate for trial.

However, as expected, Republicans who were a majority in the Senate refused to convict so Trump was spared removal. Part of the argument for some of the Republicans who refused to convict was the 2020 elections were not too far off so it would or should be up-to the voters to determine Trump’s fate.

The elections took place on November 3rd, 2020 and after all the vote were counted, or at least enough for the media to make their projections, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were declared winners of the election and therefore president and vice president-elect respectively.

Instead of accepting and conceding the elections, Trump went on an all out assault and thuggish attempt to not only reject the outcome, but to actively seeking a coup to negate the vote.

Trump did this in attempting several different ploys, starting with endless tweets of the thuggish and flagrant lie that he was the winner and that Biden only has more votes because of “fraud” or “stolen elections” neither of which they could prove in any court.

Indeed, Trump filed more than 60 cases in several battleground states but ALL of them were thrown out as frivolous and without any evidence of what they claimed. More telling, in NONE of those cases did Trump allege fraud, even as he was yelling election fraud daily, hourly and at all times he was awake, ditto his minions and sycophants in the media.

The reality was and still remains even though there were usual election irregularities here and there, there was no fraud or stolen elections and certainly nothing that would change the outcome of the elections.

This was the conclusion by ALL courts that threw out frivolous cases claiming otherwise, including the Supreme Court which tossed a moronic case filed by the Attorney General of Texas making some moronic claim that another state (Pennsylvania) did not properly conduct their elections, which was moronic and the Supreme Court promptly tossed the case.

Having lost in all these cases in court, Trump and his sycophantic minions led by Rudy Giuliani shifted focus to try and outright steal the election by seeking help to do so by Republicans in state legislatures controlled by Republicans but this, too failed.

To close that sorry chapter of his moronic and desperate efforts to effect a coup, ALL 50 states certified their elections on December 14, 2020 and by that certification, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the requite Electoral College votes to be declared president and vice-president elect.

As the process works since the founding of the country, the next step was for the states to send their certificates to Congress, which is required to count the certificates and to formally declare who the winner of the Electoral College is and by what vote count.

As the walls were closing in with all these pathetic attempts failing, Trump next decided to commit additional felonies by directly calling the Secretary of State for Georgia and begged, pleaded and ultimately committed distortion by demanding with not subtle threats if the Secretary refused to “find” 11,780 votes he needed to erase Joe Biden’s legal victory in Georgia.

This was a bold, daylight commission of a crime except it was recorded and only came to light after a recording of the call from Trump was leaked to the Washington Post and other media.

To his credit, the Secretary of State remained firm as he has been since Election Day saying there was no fraud or any irregularity in the Georgia elections that would change the outcome of the elections there and therefore there is nothing he could do for Trump to change that reality.

Desperate people do desperate things so, not disappointing for his part, Trump decided if he cannot steal the elections with the help of judges he appointed (NONE of them even dissented in the left and right rejection of his baseless cases, including the 3 he nominated and had appointed to the Supreme Court); if he could not effect a coup with the help of Republican controlled state legislatures, then the last gasp effort was to incite insurrection, which he did by ordering his hoard of cult-like supporters to storm Congress and disrupt the constitutional process that was underway to formalize certification by the states as to who won the presidential election–which we already knew to be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Trump announced to his millions of supporters on Twitter and the world for that matter that he would hold a rally in Washington, DC on January 6th, the same day when a Joint Congress would be in session to formalize state certification of 2020 elections as required under the Constitution and other applicable laws.

As the process was underway, the hoard of insurrectionists Trump had earlier incited at a rally nearby broke security barriers and stormed the Capitol building disrupting the joint session forcing evacuation of the members of congress from the floor to safe area of the building where they remained holed up for more than 4 hours as reinforcement were brought in to deal with the insurrectionists.

Trump was uncharacteristically silent during this siege at the Capitol unlike anything America had seen there since 1812, this even as leaders and others were demanding that he calls off his thugs from doing more damage or causing more deaths.

He did none of that for hours and when he finally did, it was a tweet hours later when he said “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!” Certainly nothing to condemn the criminal violence that had occurred nor even any attempt to direct this mob to leave the Capitol so onwards they continued with the insurrection, which went on for several more hours.

Trump’s incitement of the mob to storm the Capitol was a bridge too far, even among his sycophantic supporters like Lindsay Graham who said enough is enough, ditto several members of his own staff who have since resigned, with others expected to resign while others want to resign but don’t want to as they believe they are the last defense against Trump total wrecking of the country.

Trump’s conduct since before becoming president has been reprehensible and certainly unbecoming of any president.

His conduct during his presidency provided amble evidence to be impeached and removed from office but Republicans stopped that from happening by not voting to convict after the House passed articles of impeachment against the man.

His conduct before the November 20 election in which he telegraphed what he intended to do, namely, to reject the elections if he lost, was un-precedented, un-democratic and against American values and government system put in place by the Founders.

His conduct immediately following the November 7th declaration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by all major media outlets as winners of the 2020 elections was downright un-American and way beyond that of any sore loser.

His conduct since January 3rd when he called the Georgia Secretary of State and attempted to coerce him into committing a crime has been criminal conduct, topped by his calling a mob of thugs to come to Washington on January 6 solely for the purpose of disrupting Congress from doing its job.

All these are individually impeachable offenses and collectively they cry for impeachment or removal of Donald Trump pursuant to the 25th Amendment.

Failure to impeach or remove Trump under the 25th Amendment would render the rule of law useless when it comes to a president like Trump–and, yes, there will be one if nothing is done about Trump’s various transgressions of law and abuse of office–and that Trump-like president will actually succeed in turning the United States into a full-fledged dictatorship.

The only way to stop that from becoming an eventuality is promptly passing articles of impeachment and sending them to the Senate where the Senate must vote to remove this dangerous man from office.

Removal of Trump from office would not only uphold rule of law and specifically the principle there is no man or woman above the law, it will bar Trump from ever running for any public office, including the presidency, of course.

If Senate Republicans refuse to remove this threat to national security again, then that, too, will be un American and shame they will be forever sullied with as their legacies.

By passing articles of impeachment against this narcissistic demagogue and inciter of insurrection only for Senate Republicans to protect Trump again, Democrats would have completely taken over the mantle of being rule of law champions Republicans have hogged for ages.

In other words, it is a win-win for Democrats to impeach this greatest loser in American politics and I fully expect that to be the case as soon as a few days from today, January 8, 2021.

On January 20, 2021, the man will cease to be president, if he has not resigned or been removed before and America, and the rest of the world, indeed, will finally breathe a sigh of relief.

On that day, a good and decent man will be sworn as president alongside a very befitting vice president in Kamala Harris and the duo will start putting together the pieces of this once great country and her true greatness will re-emerge after these 4 years of assault from the man whose secretary of state and others never denied calling a moron.

A question for tomes to come is, how did America end up electing a moron to lead us?

There is a short answer and that is, look at the type of people who came in hoards to vote for him in 2016 and 2020; just look at their appearances and if not convinced, try and find clips where any of them are being interviewed and you will know the unswer.

Fortunately, they are a minority of this soon to be great country again.



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Posted by on January 8, 2021 in Politics


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Biden and Kamala(1)

Notwithstanding the anarchy and insurrection tTrump unleashed on the Capitol Hill people’s house yesterday, Congress resumed after the insurrection ended and completed the formal process of Congress announcing the results we already knew from the Electoral College.

No one doubted this would be the outcome, including members of the cult in Congress who attempted a shameless, baseless and un-American futile effort to object to the certification.

As expected both the House and Senate rejected the moronic shenanigans and went on to officially certify the 2020 election results by an overwhelming majority in both houses.

The Sedition Caucus members who voted otherwise shall be forever stained with their moronic and un-American vote and the irony of it is, even when we know people like senator Josh Howley and Ted Cruz mounted this shameless objections to please trump in the hopes of inheriting his cult followers.

This because both morons have dreams of vying for the presidency in 2024 and each is elbowing the other in the hopes of inheriting trump’s cult but the insurrection changed all that that.

There won’t be won’t be anything to inherit because this cult only adores tRump and even if they did and somehow became either of these clowns became a nominee, they will be trounced at the polls because no sane person can vote to elect an anarchist or supporter of insurrection as both morons became as of yesterday.

In other words, for both of these clowns and fellow cultists in the Sedition Caucus (other members of Congress who joined in this shameless, un American effort to mount a coup) all these shameless and un American acts that led to the insurrection yesterday were all for naught even as they were tragic no different than 911 with the victim here at catastrophic levels being American democracy, rule of law and pride.

As happened after 911, let’s hope the country will emerge more united and stronger domestically and abroad.

As also happened after 911, let the architects of the insurrection be held to account, starting from trump who must be arrested and charged alongside all those who aided and abetted him. Ditto the anarchists who stormed the Capitol and committed multiple crimes

The total failure of law enforcement to secure the Capitol must be investigated and anyone found to be culpable to have contributed in allowing the breach to occur, too, must be held accountable–and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence the Capitol Hill Police were infiltrated by trump and the cult as many of them were seen high-fiving the anarchists and others even took selfies with them.

The country is not out of the woods yet as the madman is still president for another 13 days.

If trump is not arrested, he must be under surveillance 24/7 and any unlawful or unethical order he gives must be rejected or those who carry it out must face the consequences, including being arrested, charged, convicted and thrown to jail.

On January 20th, a good, decent man in the fold of all great presidents before this worst one of all we just had will be sworn to office as our next president, ditto a good lady in Kamala Harris as Vice President.

We just need to get there without any further harm from tRump and his cult and we surely shall be fine after that and, as noted above, more united and stronger as we were following 911.

God help us!

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Posted by on January 7, 2021 in Politics


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Capitol Hill Police(2).jpg

As we were watching the insurrection unfold before our own eyes earlier this afternoon, my wife kept asking where are the police! It was a good question she asked and kept asking as the insurrection got worse.

When Trump twitted long after the situation had gone out of control, I told my wife I read into the tweet code Trump was sending to the mob basically saying not to worry Capitol Police and law enforcement were with him and therefore them.

I also told her I was surprised Jake Tapper who read the tweet did not pick on that which I saw very clearly, and am sure others saw as well.

We kept asking this question where are the police and the same questions started being asked by the media and in social media and the only thing I could tell my wife is basically, “oh well, it’s law enforcement; they know what they are doing.”

Like everyone else, of course we said it goes without saying had this been blacks or BLM protesters even thinking about doing anything close to the insurrection, they’ll be dead or at least see fire.

I have just seen tweets from several serious people I follow each saying the Capitol Police must be investigated because their conduct reeks of infiltration.

I agree.

These are very, very unstable times in American history going back to pre-civil war days except the division is over something altogether different, though not that far removed as Trumpianism is stoked by a narcissistic demagogue who takes no preference on which basis he divides the country though the evidence points to racism and nativism.

While most of law enforcement can be trusted and does what they are supposed to do, we know there are bad apples, too many bad apples if you \ask any black person, especially any young black man but also in some cases anyone younger than 70.

Ok; in other words, ask any black man.

Police reform and injustice in America is something President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have committed to be a high priority in their administration and we so look forward to their success in that and they must for this has gone unaddressed for way too long.

There also must be some serious vetting and re-vetting of security details of the President and Vice President-elect. Again, these are crazy, dangerous times thanks to the demagogue and his fueling hatred among his cult.

God protect them and save us all from any further madness from the wounded egomaniac.

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Posted by on January 6, 2021 in Politics


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Out of Trump Fueled Insurrection, Some Awakening

Liz Chaney(1)

America and the world witnessed insurrection at the US Capitol when the now defeated former president Donald Trump set a mob of his fanatic supporters to storm America’s most revered “people’s House” besides the White House. This was the first time the Capitol came under assault since 1812 and therefore an historic event that will no doubt define American politics and life going forward.

That Trump incited his thugs to engage in insurrection in Congress by breaching security and sending members into hiding from the mob is no surprise; this is what this person who many openly call an inept moron know he is capable of doing.

I will have more to say about this but for now, let me just share what Representative Liz Chaney, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter said on Special Report, a show on Fox News I regularly watch and the only show there that comes close to at least being factual and accurate as opposed to all other shows there that are a manufacturing plant for endless lies, innuendo and distortions usually in favor of Republicans, but in last 4 years as Trump propaganda specialists.

This is what Liz Cheney said verbatim during the show:

  • Trump’s violent mob assaulted capital in attempt to prevent Congress from doing its constitutional duty
  • Trump formed the mob
  • Trump incited the mob
  • Trump addressed the mob 
    This is what America is not about
  • This is intolerable and unacceptable
  • The mob will not prevail
  • Members of Congress have taken an oath to constitutionally perform their duties
  • Oath does not bend to mob rule
  • Does snot bend to political threat
  • Oath under God and they will carry it out
  • What happened today can never happen again
  • Trump needs to take responsibility for [the insurrection]

Asked by host Bret Baier what her views were on Trump’s statement about the insurrection, which was more about himself as usual than ordering his mob out of the Capitol as everyone was demanding, Liz Cheney said Trump is abusing trust of the American people unlike no other president. She went on to conclude we have never had a president refuse to concede after the Electoral College declared a winner.

I have scanned coverage on the right and read a few blogs and tweets by conservatives I follow and must say what Liz Cheney said is echoed by other Republicans and by a large number, which despite all of the ugliness of what happened at the Capitol, we may have finally reached a breaking point where Trump may find himself in an island surrounded only by the hardcore of his hardcore cult supporters who he bragged he can kill someone and they will never abandon him.

That most Republicans are condemning Trump and the insurrection he caused in no uncertain terms, and especially given the two victories by Democrats in Georgia giving Democrats control of the senate and therefore control of both the senate and the presidency, we shall emerge a new nation hopefully with lessons learned.

Of course, it goes without saying the morons who were poised to delay certification by Congress of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president-elect with their moronic objections must henceforth abandon the stupidity and let Congress do the certification without the shenanigans.

Finally, I must say never in all the years I have followed politics as closely as I do did I ever think I would ever find anything worth quoting either of the Cheneys in politics: the father, and now the daughter.

Until now and I must also say I have new respect for her.

She is not alone among Republicans I have either always liked or those I have come to like since the advent of Trumpianism for which they have been against since the man descended down an escalator and announced his vying for the presidency by attacking immigrants, especially Mexicans he said were murderers and rapists, this after spent much of his time before leading the birther movement (racists who claimed that now retired President Barrack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore not an American citizen qualified to run for the presidency). It was a racist and moronic charge but exactly the nonsense Trump thrives in.

Not anymore; not as president, anyway.

Good riddance.

God bless America and all of us.

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Posted by on January 6, 2021 in Politics


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