Monthly Archives: February 2022

Unpacking Dennis Itumbi’s Lies

Raila 15

The iteration of the boy who cried wolf now three times aka the self-proclaimed “Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau (HNIB)” propagandist and mouthpiece for Deputy President William Ruto Dennis Itumbi has posted on Facebook yet another classic tale wholly made up in his head informed by bar gossip which purports to be information gathered by the so-called HNIB.

It is best to ignore these posts as they often are but this one is so rich with imagination some may buy the lies in it so let’s unpack the lies at the risk of giving them credibility just by responding to them.

His lies are in italics, my responses follow as to each lie:

  1. Raila’s inner circle and top ODM party honchos claim Mt. Kenya and State House have taken over Raila Odinga and he no longer knows how to say NO.

Not true, of course. It would be naivete of the worst kind to think one can succeed a president without any input or influence by him and his people for it is in their interest to do so and they have the state machinery to effect that expectation. A potential successor who seeks and obtains their blessing knows that comes with the package and that is by no mean being “taken over” but a fact of politics only a fool would not understand.

  1. They blame Deep State and clueless Mt. Kenya Moguls for remote controlling Tinga. Close confidants and ODM strategists no longer have a say on his strategy and schedule.

Another lie. The fact that this propagandist cannot name the so-called “Mt. Kenya Moguls,” tells you all you need to know to know this is a lie. Baba working with Uhuru to make sure he yet again wins the presidency, but this time sworn as our next president is not being controlled by Uhuru or his people. For what it is worth, Uhuru and his people decided after the handshake that Raila is the best candidate to succeed Uhuru for the sake of country and that train left the station a long time ago. While some in ODM or the nameless strategists the propagandist refers to may have issues or even disagree with the strategy Raila is pursuing in his quest in consultation with his brother, that is neither here nor there because what matters in the end is successful implementation of that strategy.

  1. Journalists told HNIB agents that unlike the past, his spokesmen have no grip on Raila’s event and narrated several cases where the Press team rushed to events after learning from them.

Nothing new in political life, especially when things are fluid and involving two sides that have or are joining hands for a common purpose.

  1. Siaya senator James Orengo is among those concerned and in a conversation with his colleague in Parliament, picked by HNIB agents, he lamented that if the state wanted to help Raila, they should have just facilitated him and allow him to be.

SC James Orengo is too smart to speak or say things in the presence of others unless it is his intention that whatever that is makes its way to the likes of the propagandist. Close confidants of presidents and political leaders do this all the time, especially where there is disagreement within and among them. So, Orengo may or may not have said what the propagandist claims he said and was “picked” by their so-called agents. Chances are he never said it and even if he did, he wouldn’t have clumsily put it as the propagandist puts it. In fact, the assertion that Uhuru and his people “should have just facilitated [Raila] and allow him to be” is so nonsensical it is highly doubtful Orengo would have said anything like that. Could Orengo or anyone else express concern that Raila should have total say in what happens, sure, but refer to my point above about how these things are done and no one understands that better than Orengo himself.

  1. Orengo’s fear is the those handling Raila are messing up with The Raila Brand.

That may be—even though doubtful it is the case, but reality is Raila must rebrand in recognition of the fact he is now working with those who previously prevented him from being sworn as president. That reality comes with it adjustments that must be made and are being made which obviously impact branding and messaging that is work in progress.

  1. An ODM top party official (Name withheld to protect our HNIB Agent) was heard lamenting that the Mount Kenya region was very ‘selfish’ and wanted to be the only ones to benefit from the union between the President and Raila.

Unless the propagandist can name the “ODM top official,” it remains to be that is someone who only exists in the propagandist’s head and even if he were to name the person, such an assertion can easily be dismissed as the personal view of an ill-informed person who does not fully grasp what is at stake. Being doubtful the latter is the case, the only conclusion that makes sense is this is a lame effort by the propagandist to project something that does not exist to create the impression there is dissent in the Raila camp as to his working with Uhuru and his people. Again, even if there is, it is of no consequence because it is what those who will make things happen that matters.

The top official, complain (sic) shared with some close friends as picked by  HNIB agents are;

  1. The Mount Kenya team including State House is pushing to have a Non-ODM, Mt. Kenya Candidate as Nairobi governor, with the support of Azimio.

Nothing wrong with that

  1. Nominated MP Maina Kamanda, also from Mt.Kenya, is pushing for Azimio endorsement to be Nairobi Senator. Maina Kamanda is a Jubilee member.

Nothing wrong with that; anyone who deems themselves worth being considered should push for it and let the chips fall where they will.

  1. Kenya is pushing for Passaris – An ODM member, from Mt. Kenya – to be pushed out of the race. They even pulled Raila to the launch of their preferred candidate for the Nairobi Women Rep.

No biggie here.

  1. There is also a push by the State House and Mt Kenya businesspeople to control 60 percent of Raila’s government.

Anyone pushing for anything is fine; they can even push for 80 or 90%, heck, even 100% but at the end of the day it is not what is being pushed that matters, but what Uhuru and Raila agree to be the formula of success building on what already has happened that is positive in furtherance of the ideals behind the handshake. In case anyone has forgotten because BBI is languishing at the Supreme Court, the end objective for the handshake that gave birth to BBI is to have the next government reflective of Kenya in terms of inclusivity and sharing of national resources and that shall come to pass God willing.

  1. The complaint in Raila Inner Circle is that they are ceding too much and getting too little in return.

When it comes to political strategy and negotiations, no one is better at that than Raila as he has proven time and again. Rarely is he wrong or off by much. So, the country—at least those who support the president and Raila’s efforts for a smooth transition of power from Uhuru to Raila should rest easy knowing what emerges as the final product of thier handshake and what is already in the works is desirable and shall be good for the country.

  1. The disquiet has seen most of the ODM Nyanza legislators take a backstage in the Raila events and instead concentrated on their reelection in their backyard.

The new dispensation in the handshake era is leadership at the top must have a national outlook and the days of hogging the presidency to two communities are over and so is this tribal mentality that a national leader must only be surrounded by his people in both public and privately. There is only one candidate in 2022 who prefers that but is destined to go nowhere with that backward mentality.

Once very vocal politicians in the Raila circles are following things from a safe distance leaving Mohamed Junet to be the only active Raila key player.

The team Raila unveiled to run his campaign is what you would expect from a national leader it is irrelevant who else is not in it for if they believe in what we as progressives hold dear that country comes first, not selfish, and personal pursuits, then they will be just as much on board and offering their support to make sure Baba is elected but this time sworn as our next president.

  1. Other players in Raila’s team, however argue, that the important thing is to use Deep State to get power and once in State House, “we do not have to keep any promise made to the few Mt. Kenya brokers, we can actually use the majority who do not support us to turn the tables on the brokers”

One must give the propagandist makovi on this one because it is hilariously classic propaganda; this is nothing but an attempt to infuse doubts and even fear among some in the system who are inclined to support Raila not to do so for this purported potential shelving of an MOU Kibaki Style 2.0.

The good news is they know better, meaning, the target of this cheap propaganda.

What Uhuru and Raila have agreed to and continue to fine tune will be what ushers in Raila as our next president and NO, unlike others before him, Raila will not shred any agreed terms of the collaboration but will honor his commitment to team Uhuru for supporting his quest for the presidency so nothing to worry about that whatsoever.

Now you know.

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Posted by on February 6, 2022 in Politics


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