Monthly Archives: July 2022

Baba Rightly Says No To “Debate”


I am one of those who urged Baba not to give his junior opponent a stage to peddle his lies and smears instead of debating which clearly he is no match to Baba and therefore had no intention of debating but doing what he does best: insulting, belittling and badmouthing besides empty rhetoric and slogans.

Baba has better things to do and, more importantly, he and MDP have no problem reaching out to the voters and answering their questions at any time and venue other than one shared with the junior.

Now onwards to closing the deal and it shall come to pass God willing.

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Posted by on July 24, 2022 in Uncategorized


Mt. Kenya Warming Up to Raila in Leaps and Bounds and the Region Will Be Flipped

Raila and Martha Nyeri

When I joined MDP (Deputy Prime Minister) in waiting Hon. Martha Karua in Karatina for her homecoming following her selection as Baba’s running mate in May, I said her selection brought a level of excitement that for the first time made me believe Baba and MDP can flip Mt. Kenya. I said so albeit with circumspect believing Baba and MDP need not flip Mt. Kenya as even garnering 35-40% of the vote in the region can get the job done and see the two not only winning comfortably, but with good numbers in Parliament to get the transformation of the country going.

Now after joining the two Azimio principals in a roadshow and rallies in Nyeri, and having talked to key people on the ground, I am convinced the region is ripe for flipping and it shall be flipped.

Agree or disagree, that is what is in the pipeline God willing.

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Posted by on July 6, 2022 in Politics


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