Tag Archives: Martha Karua

Raila and Martha Address Historic Virtual Rally


Azimio presidential flagbearer Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga and his running mate Hon. Martha Karua or MDP as I refer to her (Madam Deputy President) addressed a historic virtual rally that was viewed by Kenyans living in more than 80 countries and those at home. This was another exciting and yet again another milestone for Baba as there has never been a virtual rally done like this one before.

Coming on the heels of Mr. Odinga appointing Martha Karua as his running mate, the excitement can only increase the momentum the Azimio team is enjoying for the remainder of the campaign.

The virtual rally was designed to show why Kenyans living in the diaspora support Raila and MDP and to make the case why the Azimio team is the winning ticket and this was done via a series of speeches given by Kenyans living in the diaspora.

The Azimio leader Raila welcomed the views of these diaspora speakers as representatives of the diaspora and encouraged the diaspora to present a unified document stating these views that can be considered for incorporation in the Azimio government’s policy formulation and implementation, which is a process underway in anticipation of taking over power come August.

For their part, Baba and MDP had the following to say, especially as it relates to the diaspora:

Note: The following are my tweets in cue from the live event but am sharing them here for Raila and MDP supporters to cut and paste as their own tweets and posts, which is fine with me:

Kenyans living in the diaspora play a critical role in the welfare of their kinfolk at home

Unfortunately, many of diaspora’s efforts to invest back home are hampered with corruption and slow-moving wheels of justice The Baba and Martha government will make sure this is not the case anymore.

#Azimio government will protect the investment of the diaspora as well as investment by all who invest in our country’s economy @MarthaKarua

#Azimio government will have fighting corruption as one of its top priorities and the government will need the support of the public, including the diaspora to make this happen @MarthaKarua

#Azimio knows this can be done because we saw a sneak-peek of it during the 2002 NARC government when the public participated in fighting corruption @MarthaKarua

#Azimio will use every method and avenue available to fight corruption, including use of existing laws or making new ones to close loopholes that enable the culprits to thwart or altogether avoid being held accountable

#Azimio will end the practice of having serious cases lingering in the judicial process for years and years and ultimately nothing being done for the accused who are, in fact, guilty @MarthaKarua

#Azimio government will have a ministry that will, among other things, cater to the needs and interests of Kenyans in the diaspora

#Azimio government will also have a Diaspora Desk in the president’s office to make sure diaspora issues are dealt with as quickly as possible

#Azimio government will finally move Kenyans to middle-income status

#Azimio government will fully implement the one county, one product policy and will encourage the diaspora to participate in this with their investments

#Azimio encourages the diaspora to be like Jews who are 3 or 4th generation in America but when the mother (Israel) beckons, they are ready to pounce

#Azimio will have a conducive environment for investment in all areas of the economy and diaspora should be prepared to put their hard-earned money to work for them. @martha

#Azimio will also encourage those in the diaspora with experiences needed at home to consider returning home when the time is right to offer their expertise in the development of the country. @MarthaKarua

#Azimio appreciates the value of blue-economy and will have this also as one of its top priorities

#Azimio will increase capacity for blue-economy by reviving some of the ports that were in operation decades ago and building a new one in Shimoni, Kwale

#Azimio will encourage more institutions like Bandari University which already has faculty dealing with the blue economy, ditto Kisumu Institute

#Azimio will strike a balance between appointing politicians as ambassadors and promoting within the civil service ranks, with most appointments being civil servants

#Azimio believes overloading the diplomatic core with failed politicians is demoralizing to the career diplomats who many are rotting in the ministry

#Azimio will strike a balance to have a certain percentage of ambassadors coming from outside civil service but a bulk of them to be civil servants and career diplomats

#Azimio balancing between appointing ambassadors from within the civil service and outsiders will only be fair and increase morale within the civil service

On religion, #Azimio hopes the public can see the dishonesty of the other side trying to shamelessly use religion to advance their false narratives @MarthaKarua

The Constitution separates church and state, yet the other side is busy sowing seeds of doubt whether #Azimio leaders are members of any faith

#Azimio leaders at the top did not start their association with religion when Azimio was formed; many like Baba and Martha have been believers for decades

Indeed, @martha and Baba are Anglicans but neither needs to prove that to anyone

Church leaders are representative of God and Christ on earth but there is none of them who have been appointed to judge anyone on earth as to their faith @MarthaKarua

Nobody should do this and this includes the competition

#Azimio will protect freedom of worship and uphold the Constitution and that is all that should matter to anyone, not measuring degrees of one’s faith and beliefs

No one should judge and @RailaOdinga and @MarthaKarua refuse to be judged

End of Tweets

The meeting ended with Baba thanking the organizers publicly and feedback received privately indicates Baba and MDP were, indeed, happy how it all went despite some technical glitches.

The unstoppable march to State House continues for Baba and MDP

Do your part in the journey by helping by spreading the good news by sharing the above tweets in your circles and more to come.

Thank you!

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Posted by on June 26, 2022 in Politics


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Ruto Keeps Crying Wolf But There’s a Reason

Cunning Scheming and Conniving Ruto

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Posted by on June 12, 2022 in Uncategorized


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Raila Further Depresses the Ruto Camp by Launching Azimio Coalition’s Manifesto

Azimio Launch

Our 5th president in waiting launched his manifesto this evening alongside her highness mtarajiwa Madam Deputy President (MDP). The yet again another milestone event in Baba’s journey was held at Nyayo stadium where only a small section of the stadium was used for optimum aesthetics creating a cozy environment to deliver the warm message that brought hope alive for Kenyans who have been let down time and again.

Speaking at this momentous occasion, the 5th gave yet again another impassioned speech full of hope, promise, and confidence this time around implementation of his vision shall come to pass as everything is lined up for just that to happen.

No doubt having this in the back of his mind as he stepped up to the podium to speak to the tune of Lero ni Lero, the first thing the former prime minister said is he was lost for words because he was delighted to see so many faces some of them familiar others simply Kenyans who are as equally thrilled to be part of this journey.

It was an interesting remark because there is no Kenyan politician or Kenyan, period, who knows and has more friends and acquaintances than Baba and the second person to come close would-be miles back.

But it is understandable why the Azimio leader would make note of how delighted he was to be in this cozy setting where he launched his coalition’s manifesto.

The 5th next delivered greetings to the audience from the Chairman of Azimio Council, H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta. He said even though Uhuru was not able to attend, he was with Baba and the audience spiritually.

The 5th did not use this title for Uhuru very few know by accident.

It is what keeps the other side sleepless but fortunately for the country, there is nothing they can do about it, and they know much as they would like to create a façade otherwise.

The 5th said the manifesto launch will go down in history as one of the most memorable occasions in our country’s history—and it shall.

The Azimio leader said he and his running mate MDP embarked on this journey for the third and final liberation of the country yesterday when the duo was cleared by IEBC to vie, which was a formality.

Today was the second day in this journey we know started back in 1997 for Raila but in the context of 2022, the journey began yesterday when one can say the Azimio campaign officially started despite months of preparation but nothing compared to Ruto’s campaign which has been going on for years with diminishing marginal returns.

It is akin to someone leading in a marathon for miles and miles only to lose energy and is overtaken by one who was far behind but steadily gaining on him in both energy and determination to finish first and he does.

The 5th went on to explain how the manifesto was put together, namely, through a consultative process that involved the grassroots. In other words, the manifesto reflects not only the 5th and MDP’s vision, but also a reflection of the aspirations of all Kenyans as represented by all those who were consulted at every level from the street hawkers to university graduates to those struggling in their various states of the hard life we know persists in the country despite the potential to do better.

The manifest, therefore, represents the changes people have demanded must happen in the next government and enough of empty promises.

The 5th assures the nation this shall come to pass as both he and MDP are committed to making it happen and they both have a unique drive to make it happen informed by history and a country ripe for the ideals of this manifesto to be harvested.

To this end, the 5th laid out what his government will do within its first 100 days to include:

  • Wealth and job creation through proper industrialization which would require the government to create better incentives for immediate foreign direct investment, especially in finished product manufacturing, which the 5th noted will include steel and aluminum manufacturing, among others
  • Make education free from primary school to university
  • Provide a cushion income of at least Kshs 6,000 monthly per qualifying family
  • Provide farm subsidies to both boost agricultural production and make it viable economically for those eking out a living in the sector. For example, the price of fertilizer will be reduced from 6,000 to 2,000 per bag

The 5th government’s 100-day agenda is the precursor to everything his government intends to do as represented in the manifesto which is designed to combat the three biggest enemies of our people and that is ignorance, poverty, and disease.

Prior to taking the mike, the 5th was invited by the Iron Lady who also had quite a bit to say about this historic moment. MDP said she and Baba alongside the Azimio coalition and supporters we are embarking on a journey for a better tomorrow as Azimio unveils our manifesto. To quote nearly verbatim what the Iron Lady said,

The manifesto is a commitment and assurance to Kenyans that the Kenya we want is possible.

It is a new beginning about restoring dignity to all Kenyans through health, education, the economy, and inclusive society. It is about not leaving anyone behind.

The manifesto is about getting the necessary resources to change the lives of all Kenyans. It is about an inclusive and holistic approach to governance to ensure young, old, male, or female, formally or informally employed educated, rural, or urban have a say in the stay in the stake of the land.

MDP added this saying we need a gal framework necessary for the realization of our aspirations as a nation and as espoused in our Constitution. We want a country based on rule of law and good governance and a country where citizens are not only equal under the law but in how they are treated.

MDP remaining true to form as to her firmness and consistency reiterated why it is critical that we form a government led by men and women of integrity and prudent in the use of public resources.

This, the Iron Lady declared, is what she holds dear and so does Baba, and the reason she agreed and is proud to be Baba’s running mate.

With those remarks, MDP introduced Baba but before she spoke, she was introduced by Wiper leader and the Super CS in waiting Kalonzo Musyoka who also had some very interesting things to say.

Kalonzo pledged full and unequivocal support for Baba, MDP, and the manifesto.

He noted that the country is at a crossroads no different than we were in 2007 when we almost lost the country to the dogs.

This time Raila wins in Round I and comfortably so.

We are seizing the moment and running with it because unlike other situations in Africa, Uhuru is ready to hand over power [to Baba] instead of trying to cling to it.

Addressing Raila directly, Kalonzo assured him of victory saying, “Brother Raila you have nothing but a big win in August!”

Kalonzo noted everyone is going to work 24-hours to make this happen.

Kalonzo then noted that we have plenty of support from Christians, Muslims, and people of other faiths and on this event alone we had more than 100 bishops in attendance.

This remark must have been in response to the nonsense being spread in certain circles in the opposition lying that Christians are not welcome in Azimio, which is ridiculous on its face as many of us are Christians and fully support Azimio as a whole and the 5th and MDP specifically.

Madam Carol who the MC swallowed her last name eloquently spoke about this being a moment for women as well and noted the 5th’s commitment to women’s issues and gender equality with his selection of Hon. Martha Karua as his running mate.

Needless to say, that brilliant selection has not only awoken a sleeping giant in women but is also a testament to what a good and visionary leader can do for a country. It is another affirmation we are finally headed in the right direction and in time we shall reap the benefits of having leadership at the top of the kind we are poised to have.

Talking about this great progress in the advancement of women and gender equality, we shall have a woman leading Kenya in her own right after the 5th has completed his one or two terms and that woman was sitting right there beside him during the event.

It will also be an exciting moment in our country’s history God willing.

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Posted by on June 6, 2022 in Politics


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Madam Deputy President (MDP) Martha Karua to End Railaphobia and Flip Mt. Kenya Region

Raila Karua 2022

In Martha Karua to End Railaphobia and Flip Mt. Kenya Region, I make the case why which is readily apparent I am just describing what is happening already. I also mention for the first time publicly that I was involved in the termination of the ICC case against President Uhuru Kenyatta.


It is impossible to know with certainty what went through William Ruto as he was being sworn in as deputy president in 2013.

It, however, does not take much to surmise that Ruto must have pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming because the odds of that swearing happening were not what a seasoned bettor would have bet on.

I was involved in the dismissal of the ICC case against Uhuru but years before that and before the 2013 elections, I provided a factual and legal analysis in which I concluded neither Ruto nor Uhuru could be convicted at the international court.

The level of excitement Karua has elicited and continues to across the country is precisely what the Azimio campaign needed to start reversing Ruto’s fortunes in Mt. Kenya and this is already happening.

In a nutshell, here is why Karua will end Railaphobia in Mt Kenya region: Her authenticity, principled leadership, sternness, strong stance against corruption, her being incorruptible which is leading by example, and a deep understanding of how the government works. A government she will head one day.

All these qualities and qualifications dwarf everyone in the opposing camp, starting from Ruto on down and for these reasons and more, the Iron Lady will help end Railaphobia in Mt Kenya and flip the region to Azimio.

Given the elections will be won or lost in the Mt Kenya region, this means Raila will emerge as the winner.


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Is HMK (Hon Martha Karua) Being Honest In Now Saying She Cannot Work With Raila?

In my series on HMK (Hon. Martha Karua), I have been examining this Kenyan politician and her quest for the presidency.

In Way To Go HMK (Hon Martha Karua), I complimented HMK for taking the position she could not work with Uhuru but expressed her willingness and readiness to work with Raila.

More specifically, it was noted in that blog HMK said at an interview she’ll not support Uhuru because she doesn’t share in his ideology and that neither would she support him merely because he is a fellow Kikuyu

In the same breath, she said she could see her supporting Raila because “he has a lot of history on reforms” even though she lamented his office was letting him down by tainting his image.

Meanwhile, it has in recent times been rumored that HMK is on the shortlist of those Raila is considering as running mate.

It is now being reported by the Standard that HMK is vehemently denying any such development regarding working with Raila.

“I do not share any values with the Prime Minister nor do I admire his brand of politics,” declared Karua whilst urging voters to send him home, the Standard reports.

This is an intellectually dishonest statement to say the least as shall be shown below.

Note also something very interesting here and really the focus of this blog:

HMK cites lack of shared values as her reason for not working with Raila, which is precisely the same reason she cited in not working with UK.

Now, the question and gaping hole for which would bury herself with an answer were a journalist interviewing her to do his or her job would be simply; “What values or ideology!?”

A quick check on HMK’s website tells us that she is predicating her campaign on the following “policy pillars:”

1. Erode the power of impunity through a new spirit of CONSTITUTIONALISM (emphasis here and below theirs).

2. Expand, improve and maintain transport, water, ict and energy INFRASTRUCTURE

3. Empower industries, innovators, traders and communities to create JOBS within a MORAL ECONOMY an economy that benefits all citizens especially the weak and vulnerable

4. Invest in our farmers, solve distribution problems and ensure sustainable national FOOD SECURITY

5. Pursue a cost-effective ‘Cradle-to-Grave’ UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE and a responsive, comprehensive EDUCATION

6. Prioritize and invest in national security , Secure Kenya’s regional advantage,and diaspora engagement through a ROBUST FOREIGN POLICY

Putting aside the question of whether this is an expression of ideology, it’s not, strictly speaking but let’s for the sake of argument assume it is; we’ll then have to compare her “ideology” with Raila’s ideology and vision expressed below to objectively assess whether or not HMK is genuine in offering lack of commonality in ideology as the reason she’s opting not to work with Raila.

I’ll let UK sycophants handle the same question for him, not to say I am one for Raila, which I am not despite the tired chant from the other side that I am.

Anyway, I digress; back to this analysis.

Here is what Raila has said is his vision–and I am only presenting part of it to make the point I do at the end:

Raila On health:

Therefore, there is great need to increase government spending on the health sector, introduce a national social health insurance scheme, improve hospital infrastructure, upgrade rural hospitals and build new health centres in remote areas by using public/private partnerships, boost the fight against HIV/Aids through education and counseling to promote behavioral change, continue to encourage population control strategies, expand safe motherhood programmes in all districts by ensuring that these centres have improved referral systems, communications and transportation facilities and achieve full TB, polio and measles immunization.

Raila On Security:

[Raila’s] plan is to dedicate increased resources to the law-enforcement arms of government, by modernizing their training, equipment and housing, improving their pay, and introducing life insurance, health insurance and a modern retirement scheme, maintain law and order and be tough on crime, by apprehending, trying and sentencing offenders, and tackling the causes of crime, recruit and train more police officers, ensure adequate resources for training, the purchase of modern communications equipment and transportation, and the forensic science capacity to investigate crime.

[He also] plans to engage people in active crime prevention through Neighborhood Watch schemes and community policing, seek to regulate the private security industry, so that it works in partnership with the police in the battle against crime, establish a national crime squad to provide an effective, nationally coordinated approach to organized crime and be tough on drug-abusers and drug-pushers, as drugs are root causes of crime, especially in urban areas.

Raila also plans to “strengthen and speed up the criminal justice system – justice delayed is justice denied, to both victim and offender, review sentencing policy and ensure that anyone convicted of a second serious sexual or violent crime gets an automatic life sentence, enforce the strictest firearms laws and ensure maximum vigilance at our borders and make use of our armed forces to prevent infiltration of our country by armed bandits. [He] plans to ensure support for victims of crime, especially those who have suffered rape and other sexual crimes.”

Raila On Corruption:

[Raila’s] plan is to review the functions and efficacy of the institutions set up by the government to fight corruption, use the criminal justice system to ensure conviction and appropriate punishment, with mandatory prison sentences, for those convicted on corruption charges, lead in the interest of the many, not the few, and build a future Kenya in which we all have a stake, restore trust in politics by discharging my duties through consultation and inclusivity, guarantee to build a Kenyan society based on fairness and equal opportunity, where merit comes before privilege, introduce Community Relations legislation to prohibit any discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and encourage the Kenyan diaspora to invest in Kenya and to take an interest in playing an active political role at home and abroad. I value their skills learnt abroad and we need to harness those for our common good.

Other things Raila hopes to do as president in fighting corruption, include “addressing the issues of ethnicity and inequality in our country as a topmost priority. [He] believes that the government, which represents all the people, not just one interest group, has an obligation to remove those obstacles that hinder individual achievement – obstacles emanating from tribe, gender or economic condition. [He] guarantee their removal by using anti-discrimination legislation similar to that which has been successfully employed in other countries. If we can consign tribalism to the Museum Of The Sins We Need Not Put Up With, let us do so in this generation, not the next.

On Food Security

Raila has a detailed plan to ensure food security for all you can read all about it here, ditto for improving the government’s fiscal management you can read all about it here as well as redistribution of resources and opportunity which you can also read all about it here.

When you compare these two policy and/or vision statements put forth by Prime Minister Raila and HMK, therefore NO difference in what HMK has as her “ideology” or policy when compared to what Raila has as his vision for the country; in fact, everything HMK has stated as her “policy pillars” is included in Raila’s vision, which is broader and this in turn means when HMK says she will not work with Raila because she does not share any “values with the Prime Minister,” she’s being both intellectually dishonest and disingenuous at best.

She may have a point, though, in saying she does not share in “Raila’s brand of politics.”

That brand does not call for her to be his running mate as many, including her, had hoped would be the case.

That, in the end, may be the reason and, in fact, is the reason HMK has crossed out Raila as someone she could work with if and when she folds her own quest for the presidency, which is all but certain to be at the of the first ballot, if there is Round 2, which many including yours truly doubt there will be one.

It may also be the working of a strategy to lurk nearby should the hyenas be forced to leave their kill.

That strategy will be a win win for Raila and ODM but, even more importantly, one can never say never especially when it comes to politics.

HMK could, indeed, take swallow her own words and agree to work with Raila anytime were she to deem that necessary in her own political interests.

Unlike all other politicians, Raila hardly ever closes his door even for those who have shut that door tight as they leave in a huff but he opens it right back up and keeps it wide open in the event they find no greener pastures elsewhere as they always don’t.

And many shall come back right through that door to the open and embracing arms of Raila and ODM.

More the reason I have been urging people to start practicing saying or getting used to hearing quite a bit of the majestic words, His Excellency Raila Amolo Odinga.

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Posted by on October 9, 2012 in Politics


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Way To Go HMK (Hon. Martha Karua)

HMK or Opondi as another blogger calls her now says she will back Raila in run-off, not Uhuru.

I have maintained there will be no run-off so let’s hope our friend forgets about a run-off and declares her support for Awambo now for Round One.

She’ll be in good company and better positioned to take over as our first lady president.

I’ll be her #3 surrogate then ;D

Here is the news story:

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta suffered a major blow on Wednesday after Narc Kenya presidential hopeful Martha Karua said she will not support Uhuru even in a presidential run-off.

In an interview with one of our local radio station, Karua who is also the Gichugu MP said she will only partner with those with similar political ideologies.

“I cannot go into such coalitions or partnerships just because one is my brother or from my tribe. It must be based on principles and ideologies which put our country first,”Karua said.

She said she may support Prime Minister Raila Odinga because he has a lot of history on reforms though corruption in his office is tainting his image.

On the issue of election illegibility of the five presidential candidates, Karua urged Kenyans to let the court handle the integrity case file against Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Vice president Kalonzo Musyoka, DPM’s Uhuru Kenyatta and Musalia Mudavadi and Eldoret North lawmaker William Ruto, saying the judiciary is currently independent and can deliver an impartial ruling.….ays-karua.html

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Posted by on August 24, 2012 in Politics


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Butchering the English Language, What’s Martha Karua Up-to And Central Voting Habits

The use of proper English once in awhile pops up as a heated exchange here and there among and between the culprits and would be grammar specialists in these fora.

Sometimes we make genuine typos in our incessant habit of some of us hitting the “send” button before reviewing whatever it’s we have written, sometimes we truly have no clue or just can’t figure it.

I once had someone send me a private email, saying how much she enjoys reading my blogs, even though she does not often agree with me.

She told me in another email, however, that I should edit my blogs to make sure they are grammatically error free because she can’t stand reading anything less than grammatically perfect.

I assume she must be some English teacher or professor somewhere, telling by her sternness in stating the point.

I replied to her that by habit I hardly ever edit my work; its nonstop writing and sending and the reason I don’t, is because (1) no time and (2) I’ll end up rewriting the whole thing.

That’s just my writing style; it’s one time draft and finished, brief or whatever else.

I am not even sure when or how I picked that habit but that’s what I always know as far as I can remember.

It’s also been a good thing I am my own boss and have no one to go over my work because you change even as a word or ask me to and we are finished.

I found this about myself when I was at the Department of Justice as a Litigation Support law clerk, where the senior attorneys I was working under would mark all over my work, at some point I thought they had been sent on a mission to irritate me from Satan himself.

I learned to cope, though, assuring myself it was only temporary and surely I moved on, started my own firm where I could write my own briefs without as someone attempting to tell me how to.

While other attorneys would have their paralegals write or at least do first drafts of their briefs, never have; I’d rather do it myself.

Back to my English or professor reader, I do understand where she is coming from, however, as I am the same way; I get distracted or amused–as the case may be, whenever I find errors where I do not expect any.

For example, reading a story Karua No Longer An Astute Defender of Kibaki in the Daily Nation Online earlier today, I came across the following:

“But Prof Matanga says whether Mr Mungatana runs with her or not is not as big an issue as her community.”

“The community votes as a bloc for a particular candidate and the Central power blockers appear keen on Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta,” he said.

Blockers? Of course, the writer meant, “brokers” but then I started laughing remembering I saw earlier something circulating about pronunciation of certain words by a segment of our people, to which a question arose: whose fault is this? The writer or the editor, or both?

I started looking to see the writer’s name but I stopped, telling myself to stay away from reinforcing these stereotypes.

All this had me remembering a very good old engineer client and later friend of mine I have not seen or heard of for several years now as we simply lost contact–I think he moved back home.

Despite my repeatedly urging him until I gave up, to simply call me by my first name, Sam, (he is my age-mate) my friend preferred to call me by my last name “Mr. Omwega,” not “Omwenga,” of course.

I have got to reconnect with him, now that I am thinking about him; very progressive but apolitical gentleman from deep Central.

On the story itself, a few things:

First, I think our brothers and sisters from Central will surprise everyone come 2012, in that they will for the first time break with tradition and not vote as a bloc for their own.

Second, notwithstanding their overstocked wallets–which no doubt will have an impact in all other races, Central power brokers will be surprised how things are vast and fast changing, I would not be surprised they pull the rug from under the feet of those otherwise counting on their support, and rally with the winner, who should be obvious by then, especially if we go to Round Two.

Third, I have yet to pen my last part of my series of blogs on HMK but I have a perfect recommendation for her that I’ll share about her presidential ambitions.

Hint: Not 2012.

That’s coming soon.

Peace, Love and Unity

Samuel N. Omwenga, Esq.

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Posted by on July 27, 2011 in Politics


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Who Is Martha Karua Part II

Honorable Martha Karua (HMK) is a Member of Parliament for Gichugu Constituency, an electoral in constituency in Kenya. Gichugu is one of four constituencies in Kirinyaga District, Central Province. The constituency was established in 1963 and was recently renamed as Kirinyaga East Constituency. For purposes of this series, I’ll refer to the constituency in its old name.

Gichugu constituency has over 80,000 registered voters and 58 Polling stations. Gichugu is a rich agricultural area with tea and coffee as the main cash crops and horticulture farming.  The constituency has been represented by Ms Martha Karua for the last 15 years since the introduction of multiparty democracy in 1992.

According to the most recent CCDF Report Card found at and information furnished by the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), the Gichugu area has seen a number of  development projects through CDF ranging from health, water and education.

Since the introduction of CDF in 2003, there are over 130 complete and ongoing projects in the constituency. There are 3 complete health centers in Riakithiga, Gaciongo and Joshua Mbai; four complete water projects in Kianyaga, Nyaru, Mukia and Ngumara; and seven bridges in Kathata, Konyu, Muratiri, Kanjangiri, Njambo, Gatuki and Karoki.

There has also been ongoing construction of Day secondary schools in the constituency with 10 schools complete thus far under a new policy where the government is encouraging construction of secondary schools in unutilized land owned by primary schools.

The complete secondary schools under this arrangement include Rukenya, Gatunguru, Kianguenyi, Kiandai, Gacatha, Kiaumbui, Kathunguri, Karumandi, Kavote and Thumaita. HMK has also assisted several primary schools in electrification and building of new classes for example at Kiathi, Rwambiti, Gikumbo and Kathunguri. Under her patronage, CDF has also aided in the construction of a laboratory at Ngiriambu primary and a youth polytechnic at Kianyaga.

Ms Martha Karua has also funded planting of trees in all sub locations in the constituency at a total cost of Ksh 400,000. She has also set aside Ksh 2.2 million from CDF to assist poor former students to obtain their secondary school certificates.

Other major CDF projects are revival of the old Kutus Market at a cost of over Ksh 2 million, funding of Gichugu Horticulture exporters association at a cost of Ksh 3 million and funding of Gichugu diary at a cost of Ksh 1 million. She is also responsible for the construction of Kianyaga sub district hospital through the African Development Bank and the tarmarcking of the Rukenya-Kimunye road.

As a member of parliament, HMK therefore appears to be delivering for her constituency and this may in part explain why she has been re-elected successfully since first vying for the seat. I say in part because sometimes a member’s election or re-election to parliament has nothing to do with what that particular member has done on not done for the constituency. Having nothing to go by to the contrary, I’ll give HMK the benefit of doubt that she has and continues to deliver for her constituency.

Were HMK content on being a Gichugu MP and occasionally a minister as she has been, then one could say the Gichugu seat is for her to keep as long as she wishes, given this record. HMK has, however, declared her intention to run for president, which means she will give up the seat at least during this election circle.

The question I am sure she has asked herself and answered is, does she have what it takes to be elected president? I am equally sure she has answered this question in the affirmative otherwise she would not so declare, unless she is simply trying the waters but when push comes to shove, she does not throw her hat in the ring, opting to stay put as Gichugu MP until perhaps another time.

Either way, I think this is an interesting question to ask and answer, namely, does HMK have what it takes to be elected president? Because HMK is a woman and an outspoken and feisty woman for that matter, a lazy answer may just be no, not in a male dominated culture such as ours. However, my hunch is this may be too simplistic and thus my intention to provide an objective and complete analysis to answer the question in this series.

Before answering this question, however, it’s important to first analyze what it would take to launch and conclude a successful presidential run in Kenya, and what it takes to be elected as president in Kenya, which are two different issues, especially in light of our new Constitution. I will then use that analysis as a benchmark against which to measure each candidate starting with HMK.

In Who Is Martha Karua Part III, I will continue to analyze HMK’s quest for the presidency in Kenya.  


Posted by on April 19, 2011 in Siasa


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